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Showing 836 results

James Goodwin | January 9, 2010

WSJ Says White House and EPA at Odds on Coal Ash; Industry Meetings with OIRA on Issue at 17 and Counting

“White House, EPA at Odds Over Coal-Waste Rules” reads a headline in Saturday’s Wall Street Journal. It’s worth a look. The White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) has in fact continued to host meetings with outside groups regarding EPA’s work on a rule for controlling the disposal of hazardous coal ash waste. […]

Matt Shudtz | December 30, 2009

Regulatory Highs and Lows of 2009: OSHA and Toxics

CPRBlog asked some of our regular bloggers to give us some suggestions for the high and low points of the regulatory year. We began by taking the Bush Administration’s “midnight regulations” off the table, so that we could focus in on the Obama Administration’s impact to date. CPR Policy Analyst Matt Shudtz offers up a number of […]

Daniel Farber | December 12, 2009

The Precarious Legality of Cost-Benefit Analysis

Cross-posted from Legal Planet. Cost-benefit analysis has become a ubiquitous part of regulation, enforced by the Office of Management and Budget. A weak cost-benefit analysis means that the regulation gets kicked back to the agency. Yet there is no statute that provides for this; it’s entirely a matter of Presidential dictate. And reliance on cost-benefit […]

Ben Somberg | December 12, 2009

SBA Official Changes Tune on OSHA Noise Initiative; Says His Office Was ‘Unable to Evaluate’ Possible Safety Benefits

We noted earlier this month that a U.S. Small Business Administration official had claimed that the danger of workplace noise was solved just as well with earplugs as it is with reducing the noise at its source — despite extensive research to the contrary (“Presidential Appointee at SBA Maligns OSHA’s Industrial Noise Proposal; Claims Ear […]

Matthew Freeman | December 12, 2009

Steinzor in The Hill: Debunking the Anti-Regulatory’s Case on Over-Regulation

CPR President Rena Steinzor had an op-ed in The Hill yesterday, dismantling right wing arguments about “excessive” regulation, and shaming the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs for sitting on rules long past their required deadlines. Noting just some of the now-taken-for-granted results of safeguards that were regulated into existence — things like clean […]

James Goodwin | December 12, 2009

By the Numbers: The Costs of New Regulatory Delays Announced in the Spring 2013 Regulatory Agenda


Rena Steinzor | December 11, 2009

Sunstein Watch: What Progressives Expect from OIRA: An Open Letter to Cass Sunstein

Dear Cass: As you know, we picked a spat with the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) last week over Randy Lutter’s supposedly temporary detail appointment to your office. It’s not the first time we’ve criticized the workings of OIRA, and almost certainly won’t be the last.  I’ve spoken to a number of people in […]

Rena Steinzor | December 3, 2009

Sunstein Watch: Randall Lutter on Loan, Says OMB — Yet WashPost Reports He’s Actively Involved

As reporters dug deeper on our post yesterday about the return of Randy Lutter, chief economist at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the George W. Bush Administration, to “regulatory czar” Cass Sunstein’s office, OMB spokesman Tom Gavin worked to downplay the significance of Lutter’s reappearance. Gavin confirmed that Lutter was in fact ensconced […]

Rena Steinzor | December 2, 2009

Sunstein Watch: Randall Lutter to OIRA?

For a number of days now, we’ve been hearing rumors that Cass Sunstein, President Obama’s “regulatory czar,” was on the verge of hiring conservative economist Randall Lutter to join him at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). Few personnel developments could be more discouraging to those hopeful that the Obama Administration will fulfill […]