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Showing 839 results

Matt Shudtz | September 24, 2013

Important Strides in OSHA’s New Silica Rule but Advocates have a Long Road Ahead

As we noted on the day of the announcement, OSHA has – at long last – released a proposal to better protect workers from respirable silica. We didn’t have much to say about the substance at the time because we simply hadn’t had the opportunity to read through the massive proposal. (It’s over 750 pages, with almost […]

James Goodwin | September 18, 2013

Transparency Withdrawn: A New Tactic for Shielding OIRA’s Regulatory Review Activities?

Yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it was “withdrawing” from White House review its draft final guidance that sought to clarify the scope of the Clean Water Act. The guidance had been languishing at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), which oversees the White House regulatory review process, for 575 days, even though Executive […]

Rena Steinzor | September 12, 2013

Energy Efficiency is Too Important for Political Stasis

Late last month, the Department of Energy proposed long overdue energy efficiency standards for commercial refrigeration units and published them for public comment yesterday. The rules, which had been held up at OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) for almost two years will resultin savings of over $28 billion for businesses over the […]

Erin Kesler | September 9, 2013

The Collective Origins of Toxic Air Pollution: Implications for Greenhouse Gas Trading and Toxic Hotspots

Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar and University of Texas School of Law professor David Adelman has written an article for the Indiana Law Journal entitled,”The Collective Origins of Toxic Air Pollution: Implications for Greenhouse Gas Trading and Toxic Hotspots.” According to the abstract:  This Article presents the first synthesis of geospatial data on toxic […]

Alice Kaswan | September 9, 2013

GHG Trading and Co-Pollutants: Expanding the Focus

I agree with David Owen’s recent blog post that David Adelman’s article, The Collective Origins of Toxic Air Pollution: Implications for Greenhouse Gas Trading and Toxic Hotspots, makes significant contributions to our awareness of the sources of toxic pollution and our collective responsibility for reducing emissions.  He focuses on the distributional implications of GHG trading […]

Dave Owen | September 9, 2013

Important Article on GHG Trading and Hot Spots

For years, environmental activists have worried that emissions trading systems will create “hot spots.”  The fear, in a nutshell, is that even if the trading system succeeds in reducing overall levels of pollutants, pollution levels in areas with lots of emissions purchasers will rise.  It seems quite plausible to anticipate that the areas seeing increases […]

Ross Eisenbrey | August 28, 2013

Another Week, Another Ill-Considered Attempt To Undercut Regulations

No week seems to go by without an imbalanced attack on regulatory protections by a trade association, a “think-tank,” a member of Congress, or a journalist. These attacks frequently feature a reference to the growth in the Code of Federal Regulations, even though it is a meaningless measure of whether we’re overregulated. In offering another […]

Wendy Wagner | August 26, 2013

Competitive Chemical Regulation: A Greener Alternative

In 2005, the City of Austin discovered that coal-tar based asphalt sealant was killing the highly endangered Barton Springs salamander. The sealant was leaching off freshly sealed parking lots and entering downstream pools where these fragile animals live. The surprise ending to the City’s detective work was not only that the sealant was gradually destroying its river […]

Erin Kesler | August 23, 2013

CPR President Rena Steinzor: Regulatory Backlogs Threatens Health and the Environment

Yesterday, The Hill published an opinion piece by Center for Progressive Reform President Rena Steinzor entitled, “Regulatory backlog threatens health and the environment.” According to Steinzor: Opponents of regulation also seek to undermine the very legitimacy of agency rulemaking by fostering public hostility toward government and belittling life-saving regulation as “red tape.” What results is […]