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James Goodwin | July 15, 2015

The Real Nine Most Terrifying Words in the English Language

“I’m Republican, and I want to do regulatory reform.”  Whether they’ve uttered that exact nine-word phrase or not, virtually every Republican on Capitol Hill has enthusiastically endorsed the sentiment it expresses at some point—if not on a near-daily basis—during the last few years.  Who could blame them?  The unshakable conviction that our regulatory system is […]

Matt Shudtz | July 14, 2015

Join Us for a Discussion of Rena Steinzor’s Book, ‘Why Not Jail?’

Public Citizen to host discussion of CPR Member Scholar Rena Steinzor’s new book, “Why Not Jail?  Industrial Catastrophes, Corporate Malfeasance, and Government Inaction.”  On Monday, July 20, 2015 Public Citizen, the Center for Progressive Reform and the Bauman Foundation will lead a discussion focused on CPR’s immediate past president and University of Maryland Law School […]

Amy Sinden | July 13, 2015

Supreme Court’s Mercury Decision Did Not Usher in Sunstein’s ‘Cost-Benefit State’

In Michigan v. EPA, handed down two weeks ago, the Supreme Court waded into the decades-long debate over the use of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) in agency rulemaking.   The decision struck down EPA’s limits on mercury emissions from power plants for the agency’s failure to consider costs, and so appears, superficially at least, like a win […]

Erin Kesler | July 9, 2015

New CPR Issue Alert: Earmarking Away the Public Interest

House GOP’s “Negative Earmarks” in Appropriations Bill Would Undercut Key Protections and Cost Thousands of Lives Today, the Center for Progressive Reform released a new Issue Alert, “Earmarking Away the Public Interest: How Congressional Republicans Use Antiregulatory Appropriations Riders to Benefit Powerful Polluting Industries.” The report, by CPR Member Scholars Thomas O. McGarity of the […]

Erin Kesler | June 26, 2015

CPR’s Sachs and Shudtz in The Hill: Toxic Ignorance and the Challenge for Congress

Earlier this week, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2576, an update to the long-outdated Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), which governs regulation of toxic chemicals. CPR Member Scholar and University of Richmond Law School professor Noah Sachs and CPR Executive Director Matthew Shudtz wrote a piece for The Hill, highlighting some crucial problems with the bill the House […]

Rena Steinzor | June 25, 2015

House Bipartisanship Throws Up Pitifully Weak Toxic Chemicals Control Act Bill

Anyone who cares about the development of sound public policy has grown distraught over congressional gridlock.  The House and Senate are dysfunctional to an extent not seen in modern times.  Neither is able to develop bipartisan legislation to deal with a slew of urgent social problems, from immigration and the minimum wage to the strengthening […]

James Goodwin | June 23, 2015

Senate Joint Committee Hearing Dedicated to Attacking Public Servants

When your public approval rating has hovered at or below 20 percent for the last several years, maybe the last thing you should be doing is maligning other government institutions.  That didn’t stop a group of Senators from spending several hours doing just that today during a joint hearing involving the Senate Budget and Homeland […]

James Goodwin | June 22, 2015

You Can Be for Cost-Benefit Analysis or You Can Be for Regulatory Budgeting, But You Can’t be for Both

For decades, so-called regulatory “reformers” have backed up their sales pitches with the same basic promise:  Their goal is not to stop regulation per se but to promote smarter ones.  This promise, of course, was always a hollow one.  But it gave their myriad reform proposals—always involving some set of convoluted procedural or analytical requirements […]

Erin Kesler | June 16, 2015

CPR’s Glicksman to Testify at House Hearing on Ozone Regulations

This morning CPR Scholar and George Washington University Law School professor Robert Glicksman will testify in support of EPA’s proposed rule to regulate ozone. The Hearing, held by the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommitee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade will focus on the potential impacts of the proposed ozone rule on manufacturing.  Glicksman’s testimony corrects misinformation about […]