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Showing 35 results

Shana Campbell Jones

Consultant to CPR

Shana Campbell Jones | January 23, 2009

If Yes Means Yes, EPA Must Act on Perchlorate

When it comes to protecting the environment and human health, the difference between what the Obama Administration portends and what the Bush Administration wrought may reside in the difference between three little words: “yes, we can” versus “no we won’t.” How and when Lisa Jackson, President-elect Obama’s pick to head the EPA, tackles perchlorate will […]

Shana Campbell Jones | December 17, 2008

A Weather Forecast for Climate Change Governance

Nature intended me for the tranquil pursuits of science, by rendering them my supreme delight. But the enormities of the times in which I have lived have forced me to take a part in resisting them, and to commit myself on the boisterous ocean of political passions.                                                            — Thomas Jefferson   Last week, I […]

Shana Campbell Jones | December 4, 2008

The Clean Water Act, Please, and Hold the Fried Fish

On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument in Entergy Corp. v. EPA. The case involves a challenge by electric utilities to new EPA regulations requiring power plants to protect aquatic life by regulating “cooling water intake structures” at existing power plants. Billions of fish, shellfish, and other aquatic organisms are drawn into these […]

Shana Campbell Jones | December 2, 2008

The Chesapeake Bay Dead Zone Needs a Ref

Chief Justice Earl Warren once said he always turned to the sports section of the newspaper first. “The sports page records people’s accomplishments,” he explained. “The front page has nothing but man’s failures.” The Chesapeake Bay has been in the news a lot lately, and its fans aren’t cheering. When it comes to Bay cleanup […]

Shana Campbell Jones | November 18, 2008

The Era of Bigfoot Government Is Over

Bigfoot lives, and he’s not hiding out from the paparazzi somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. He drives more than 630,000 vehicles. He is the largest consumer of energy in the United States, costing taxpayers about $14.5 billion. He generates about 100 million metric tons of carbon dioxide yearly, approximately 1.4 percent of all U.S. greenhouse […]

Shana Campbell Jones | November 6, 2008

Over Our Heads? Climate Change Threatens A Beleaguered Chesapeake Bay

You can never step in the same river twice, the saying goes. According to a new report about how climate change is expected to affect the Chesapeake Bay, that saying may become truer than ever.   In Climate Change and the Chesapeake Bay, a group of scientists and water quality experts found that, because of […]

Shana Campbell Jones | October 30, 2008

Green Jobs Need Protection, Not Preemption

Next year, Congress is all but certain to try to tackle climate change legislation again, and the stakes are higher than ever. Further delay in federal action would only compound the problem. But while Congress has been sitting on its hands for more than a decade, many states have taken action, seeing climate change not […]

Shana Campbell Jones | October 24, 2008

More Rocket Fuel in Our Water

Earlier this month, and after six years of delay, EPA announced that it had decided not to regulate perchlorate, a component of rocket fuel and munitions that has leached into water supplies in various parts of the country, often near military bases. As it happened, the announcement came just a few days before the release […]