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Showing 35 results

Shana Campbell Jones

Consultant to CPR

Shana Campbell Jones | August 11, 2009

CPR Scholarship Roundup: Resilience and Adaptive Management — Protecting Natural Resources in a Changing World

One of the ongoing tensions in environmental law is the conflict between uniformity and flexibility, constancy and change. Many of the environmental successes over the past thirty years derive from uniform standards that are straightforward to administer and enforce. The Clean Water Act’s requirement, for example, that all industrial polluters are obligated to utilize the […]

Shana Campbell Jones | August 3, 2009

The Chesapeake Bay and Beyond: Pollution Targets Met, Not Just Set

Today, the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee’s Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife is holding a hearing entitled “A Renewed Commitment to Protecting the Chesapeake Bay: Reauthorizing the Chesapeake Bay Program.” Here’s something that should be on Congress’s agenda: making the Bay-wide TMDL (“pollution cap”) enforceable to ensure that it is actually implemented. First, some […]

Shana Campbell Jones | May 13, 2009

Obama’s Executive Order on the Chesapeake – a First

Yesterday, as the Executive Council for the Chesapeake Bay Program held its annual meeting, President Obama issued an Executive Order on Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration (a first), declaring the Chesapeake Bay a national treasure and signaling that EPA will play a strong role in leading Bay cleanup. For years, federal leadership on the Bay […]

Shana Campbell Jones | May 11, 2009

Where Does Manure in the Chesapeake Come From Anyway? EPA, It’s Time to Find Out

Cattle, chickens, and hogs create more than 500 million tons of manure in the United States annually – three times more than the sanitary waste produced by people. Yet, in contrast to a concerted federal and state effort to fund and build sewage treatment plants since the Clean Water Act was enacted in 1972, dealing […]

Shana Campbell Jones | April 20, 2009

Poisoned Waters: A Frontline Presentation You Don’t Want to Miss

Tomorrow, Tuesday, Frontline will air Poisoned Waters, a two-hour documentary on the continuing pollution of American waterways (9pm on many PBS stations; check your local listings). Having seen part of the program, I recommend it. Watching a bulldozer move chicken manure – much of which will end up in the Chesapeake Bay – and seeing […]

Shana Campbell Jones | March 12, 2009

Let the Truth Trickle Up: Attack Science, Perchlorate, and Babies

The truth hurts. Some of us accept the truth; some of us ignore it. All too often, industry-sponsored scientists take another approach to the truth: attack.   A recent spat over a study finding that perchlorate blocks iodine in breast milk is an object lesson in what CPR Member Scholar Tom McGarity calls “attack science.” […]

Shana Campbell Jones | March 2, 2009

Industry Lobbyists Suiting Up for Climate Change Battle

The Center for Public Integrity released a report last week finding that the number of lobbyists seeking to influence federal policy on climate change has expanded more than 300 percent in five years. The report also finds that special interest industry lobbyists outnumber public interest environmental advocates 8-to-1.   That’s right. The most important environmental legislation […]

Shana Campbell Jones | February 17, 2009

Cap-and-Evade: Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and the Clean Air Act

You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again: climate change is different from traditional environmental problems. It’s global, for one thing. Carbon dioxide isn’t a traditional pollutant, for another. It doesn’t cause cancer. It doesn’t kill fish. Plants use it in photosynthesis; every human and animal emits it. The problem is that combustion creates […]

Shana Campbell Jones | January 28, 2009

Rescuing Science from Politics, Texas Style

We will restore science to its rightful place. — President Barack Obama, Inaugural Speech   As Governor of Texas, I have set high standards for our public schools, and I have met those standards. — Former President George W. Bush, Aug. 2000 CNN Interview     With former President Bush hightailing it back to Texas last […]