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Showing 839 results

James Goodwin | April 20, 2017

New Report: Trump’s New ‘Regulatory Czar’ and the Continuing Assault on Our Safeguards

As the clock ticked closer to the end of the work day a few Fridays back, the Trump administration quietly made an announcement certain to put smiles on the faces of many corporate interest lobbyists in and around the DC Beltway: Neomi Rao, a little known but very conservative law professor at George Mason University’s […]

James Goodwin | April 12, 2017

The Key Ingredient in Trump’s Anti-Reg Two-for-One Executive Order? Fuzzy Math

Steve Bannon’s crusade to deconstruct the administrative state took two big steps forward last week, concluding with Donald Trump nominating George Mason University Law School professor Neomi Rao as his “regulatory czar.” CPR will publish a new report on the role of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) Administrator during the Trump administration […]

Matthew Freeman | April 4, 2017

The GOP’s Race to Repeal

This June marks the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Midway, the great sea battle that was the turning point of the war in the Pacific. The American victory over the Japanese at Midway, a tiny atoll literally midway between California and Japan, ended the period of expansion of Japanese-held territory in the Pacific. And […]

Matthew Freeman | April 3, 2017

CPR Scholars on the Nation’s Opinion Pages

CPR Member Scholars published another bumper crop of op-eds this past month. We maintain a running list on our op-eds page, but to save CPRBlog readers a click or two, here’s a quick rundown: On March 3, David Driesen had a piece in The Hill – that’s a Washington, D.C., outlet aimed at the policy community […]

Joseph Tomain | March 13, 2017

Attacking Regulation Using Slogans, Not Analysis

The Trump administration’s fundamental hostility to government is by now plainly apparent. The President issued an executive order requiring agencies to get rid of two regulations for each new one that is adopted. He appointed administrators who have been extraordinarily hostile to the missions of the departments and agencies that they now head, such as […]

Matthew Freeman | March 6, 2017

Catching Up on CPR’s Recent Op-Edery

Unless you regularly read newspapers from markets ranging from Baltimore to Houston to the San Francisco Bay area, chances are that you missed some of the op-eds that CPR’s scholars and staff published in the nation’s newspapers in February. We post links on our website, of course; you can find them on the various issue […]

James Goodwin | March 3, 2017

Recent Trump Anti-Reg Order Could Breathe New Life into Dangerous Old Law

The first rule of reading anti-regulatory bills, executive orders, and other policy prescriptions is: Sweat the hyper-technical, anodyne-sounding stuff. And President Donald Trump’s February 24 executive order on “Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda” demonstrates why this rule exists.  One of the order’s provisions – which no doubt caused glaze to form over many an eye […]

William Funk | February 14, 2017

Why the REINS Act Is Unconstitutional

The so-called Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny Act (REINS Act) has already passed the House this year, as it did in previous sessions. The current version, which amends the Congressional Review Act (CRA), differs somewhat from previous versions but still suffers from a fatal flaw – it is unconstitutional.  The current REINS […]

Amy Sinden | January 31, 2017

Trump’s Latest Executive Order: Scrap Two Regs for the Price of One

Remember how Donald Trump bragged he was going to run the country like a business? Imagine if before Trump could open a new casino, he was bound by a rule to close two existing casinos, and the costs of the new casino couldn’t exceed the cost savings from no longer operating the old ones. Would this […]