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Showing 839 results

James Goodwin | March 7, 2018

CPR’s Heinzerling to House Small Business Committee: Trump’s Assault on Safeguards Nothing to Celebrate

Later this morning, CPR Member Scholar and Georgetown Law Professor Lisa Heinzerling will testify before the House Small Business Committee at a hearing that appears to be aimed at reveling in the Trump administration’s assault on regulatory safeguards. In her testimony, Professor Heinzerling will explain why the celebratory mirth and merriment from the committee’s majority […]

James Goodwin | February 28, 2018

Trump White House: Safeguards Produce Huge Net Benefits; Also Trump White House: Repeal Them Anyway

Last week, the Trump administration released the annual Draft Report to Congress on the Benefits and Costs of Federal Regulations. As befitting this auspicious occasion, the administration pulled out all the stops: targeted op-eds from high-ranking administration officials; relevant operatives dispatched to the leading Sunday morning talk shows; and even a televised press conference with […]

Rena Steinzor | February 22, 2018

The Hill Op-ed: Justice Dept’s Enforcement Policies Make Change for the Worse

This op-ed originally ran in The Hill. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has wasted little time portraying himself as the prosecutor-in-chief of street — as opposed to white collar — crime, rejecting this month even a broadly bipartisan effort to reduce sentences for nonviolent crime supported by a coalition that spans the Koch brothers and the NAACP. […]

Matthew Freeman | January 31, 2018

What Creates the Cost, Mr. President?

During the State of the Union address last night, no one was surprised to hear President Trump brag about all the work his administration has done slashing regulatory safeguards for health, safety, the environment, and financial security. It’s clearly one of his proudest first-year accomplishments — making us all less safe and more vulnerable to […]

William Funk | January 30, 2018

Breaking the Law: Many Trump Regulatory Rollbacks and Delays Are Unlawful

Progressives have rightfully taken issue with the Trump administration’s policy goals, from immigration to the environment, from health care to worker safety. Given the president’s decidedly unprogressive stances, one should not be surprised at the policy reversals from the prior administration. One might be surprised, however, and dismayed as well, at the cavalier disregard that […]

James Goodwin | January 29, 2018

The Congressional Review Act: Trump’s First-Year Participation Trophy

Perhaps because he has so few real accomplishments to his name, President Donald Trump has developed a nasty habit of embellishing his record. From the size of the crowd at his inauguration to the number of floors in Trump Tower, he simply won’t let a little thing like “reality” or “facts” or even “cardinal numbers” […]

Matt Shudtz | January 26, 2018

Looking Back on a Year of Trump’s Regulatory ‘Fire and Fury’

Next Tuesday, President Trump will share his view of the state of our union. And if his words correlate with his actions over the last year, the dominant theme will be one of division and disruption. Like no president in recent history, Donald Trump has pushed U.S. residents to cordon ourselves off into dueling tribes […]

James Goodwin | January 9, 2018

FERC Rejection of Coal Subsidies Proposal Demonstrates Importance of Independent Agencies

On January 8, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) struck a resounding blow against the Trump administration’s ill-advised agenda to put its thumb on the scale of the energy market by propping up the coal industry, unanimously rejecting a controversial proposal by Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Rick Perry. Perry’s plan would have resulted in […]

Matthew Freeman | December 28, 2017

A Final 2017 Dose of Op-Eds

CPR’s Member Scholars and staff rounded out a prolific year of op-ed writing with pieces covering several topics, touching on the Endangered Species Act, the scuttling of criminal justice reform, saving the Chesapeake Bay, the Administration’s efforts to unravel the Clean Power Plan, and the tax bill President Trump signed into law last week. You […]