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Showing 65 results

Erin Kesler

Communications Specialist

Erin Kesler | January 9, 2015

Modernization? The Regulatory Accountability Act of 2015 Adds 74 New Steps to the Rule-Making Process

This week, House Republicans re-introduced the “Regulatory Accountability Act of 2015,” (H.R. 185). Proponents of the bill are claiming that it would “modernize” the rule-making process and streamline government inefficiencies. In fact, the RAA would bog down attempts by federal agencies to protect our health, safety and environment in red tape by adding over 74 new requirements […]

Erin Kesler | December 19, 2014

CPR President Rena Steinzor Reacts to Final Coal Ash Rule

Today, the EPA announced national standards governing coal waste from coal-fired power plants, also known as coal ash. The rule does not treat coal ash as a hazardous material, but as household garbage. CPR President and University of Maryland law professor Rena Steinzor reacted to the classification: It’s bitterly disappointing that the electric utility industry, which earns profits hand over fist, has succeeded […]

Erin Kesler | December 10, 2014

Media Advisory: CPR and the University of Maryland Carey School of Law to Co-Host a Luncheon with Maryland Attorney General-Elect Brian Frosh on Environmental Enforcement

Contact: Erin Kesler                                     Email: Telephone: (202) 747-0698 X4 What: CPR and the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law will host a luncheon and Q&A session with MD Attorney General-elect Brian Frosh on the state of environmental enforcement […]

Erin Kesler | December 8, 2014

Victor Flatt in the Houston Chronicle: Pollution trading could allow more efficient water cleanup

Recent stories about “dead zones” in the Gulf of Mexico and the Chesapeake Bay are a reminder that despite progress on some water pollution fronts, we still have a serious problem to address. One politically popular approach to addressing the problem is a market-based solution, in which hard-to-regulate “non-point” pollution sources (farming, run-off, other sources […]

Erin Kesler | December 8, 2014

CPR’s Steinzor Reacts to Maryland Governor-Elect Larry Hogan’s Vow to Fight the PMT

At the Maryland Farm Bureau’s Annual Convention today, Maryland Governor-Elect Larry Hogan vowed to fight against the state’s proposed phosphorus management tool (PMT) regulations. CPR President and University of Maryland law professor Rena Steinzor reacted to Hogan’s comments, “It’s truly a shame that Governor-elect Hogan is indicating so early that he is willing to jeopardize the restoration […]

Erin Kesler | December 5, 2014

Baltimore Sun Op-ed by Rena Steinzor and Sally Dworak-Fisher: Maryland’s Whistleblower Laws Need Teeth

Today, the Baltimore Sun published an op-ed by CPR President Rena Steinzor and Public Justice Center attorney Sally Dworak-Fisher entitled, "Maryland's whistleblower laws need teeth." According to the piece: Whistleblowers can help identify and put a stop to all sorts of illegal activity, if they're properly protected. Dozens of state and federal laws include provisions intended to shield […]

Erin Kesler | December 3, 2014

CPR Executive Director Matt Shudtz on the President’s Comments on Regulation

Today the President addressed the Business Roundtable on the subject of regulation. When speaking about revising current regulations, he spoke about the need to keep child labor laws. According to CPR Executive Director Matt Shudtz: The President was right to start his remarks with the clear examples of how strong (or to the business lobby, “costly”) […]

Erin Kesler | December 1, 2014

CPR’s Victor Flatt Submits Comments on EPA’s Rule to Curb Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Today is the deadline for comments from the public on EPA’s proposed rule to limit carbon emission from existing power plants. CPR Member Scholar and University of North Carolina School of Law professor Victor Flatt submitted a comment on the rule. According to his comments: What I would like to focus on is suggesting that the […]

Erin Kesler | November 25, 2014

Center for Progressive Reform Announces New Executive Director Matthew Shudtz

The Board of Directors of the Center for Progressive Reform today announced the selection of Matthew Shudtz as Executive Director of the 12-year-old organization. Shudtz, who succeeds Jake Caldwell, has been Acting Executive Director of CPR since July of this year. Shudtz joined CPR’s staff in 2006 as a Policy Analyst, and was subsequently promoted […]