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Showing 17 results

Minor Sinclair

Executive Director

Minor Sinclair | September 6, 2021

Labor Day 2021: This May Be the Best Year for Labor in a Generation

Economists are scratching their heads furiously — why is there a labor shortage amidst high unemployment? Everywhere employers are posting “Help Wanted” signs but still face shortage of workers. The last six months of worker disillusionment with the job market shows a new source of power: the power of workers when they withdraw the services of their labor.

Alina Gonzalez, Minor Sinclair | July 15, 2021

Georgia’s Activists of Color Offer Hope for Meaningful Action on Climate Justice

President Joe Biden is breaking the status quo: He has pledged to write a new chapter in America's leadership on climate change. Unlike any other president, he has outlined specific and aggressive targets to reduce carbon emissions and has backed them up with a $2 trillion plan to fight climate change. In the meantime, our climate continues to change rapidly and dramatically, raising the ever more urgent question: Will the politics of climate change shift in time to curb its worst effects, including in states like Georgia? We think it will.

Minor Sinclair | July 8, 2021

Newest Board Members Bring Environmental Protection and Climate Justice Expertise

Executive Director Minor Sinclair welcomes three new board members to the Center for Progressive Reform and highlights their diverse, critical voices and perspectives.

Minor Sinclair | April 28, 2021

Climate, Equity, and Worker Justice: Two Job Openings at CPR

When I think about climate, I also think about jobs. Jobs that don’t expose workers to toxins, COVID-19, or abuse. Quality jobs for workers and communities that reduce our carbon footprint and facilitate our transition to a clean economy. Jobs with protections and security in a changing economy. We simply cannot protect public health and the environment without addressing workers’ rights. With this in mind, it's perhaps no coincidence that we’re hiring two new policy analysts to enhance our research and advocacy around climate and worker justice. We'd love to have your help finding great candidates for these positions. Please spread the word and maybe even consider applying to one of these jobs yourself! CPR encourages people with underrepresented backgrounds in the nonprofit sector to apply, including people of color.

Minor Sinclair | April 20, 2021

A Small Step toward Accountability: CPR Commends Guilty Verdicts in the Murder of George Floyd

Racism runs much deeper than policing and law enforcement. Racial injustice is deeply embedded in our nation’s past and present. It is systemic, institutional, and interpersonal, but it is not insurmountable. It’s time for a national reckoning that takes racism and white supremacy seriously and delivers fully enforceable policies that stamp out discrimination in policing and all other institutions in our country. Black Americans and other marginalized people are entitled to the same tenets of life and liberty as guaranteed to white people. Systemic racism and lawlessness by state actors make that impossible. On April 20, a jury found Derek Chauvin guilty of murdering George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, in May 2020. This is one small step toward accountability for those who perpetrate violence against Black people and other marginalized people.

Minor Sinclair | April 2, 2021

A Victory in the Meatpacking Jungle

A federal district court judge in Minnesota ruled that the USDA acted arbitrarily and capriciously when it eliminated line speed limits vacated the Trump-era rule, showing that there is a limit to high line speeds — and corporate rapaciousness.

Maxine A Burkett, Minor Sinclair | March 31, 2021

Women’s History Month Q&A with Maxine Burkett

To commemorate Women’s History Month, we’re interviewing women at the Center for Progressive Reform about how they’re building a more just America. This week, we're speaking with Member Scholar Maxine Burkett.

Minor Sinclair | February 18, 2021

I’m Joining CPR to Help Strengthen Our Democracy and Advance Justice and Equity

As many of you know, I started as the Center for Progressive Reform's new executive director this month. I am thrilled to join CPR in this historic moment, to commit the next stage of my life to fight for the integrity and strength of our democracy, and to establish, as FDR said 90 years ago, "the purpose of government to see that not only the legitimate interests of the few are protected but that the welfare and rights of the many are conserved."