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Showing 13 results

Margaret Clune Giblin

Policy Analyst

Margaret Clune Giblin | December 1, 2008

High Noon for the Last Surviving Land Disposal Law?

The “land disposal” laws line up on the pages of U.S. history books, reminders of a bygone era when the government of a young nation was striving to find ways to encourage people to move west by giving away public lands at bargain-basement prices. The Homestead Act of 1862, for example, gave settlers title to […]

Margaret Clune Giblin | November 20, 2008

National Forests, a New Administration, and Climate Change

One important environmental challenge facing soon-to-be-President Obama is how to reinvigorate the National Forest System’s environmental protections.  The system encompasses 192 million acres of land, which – to the constant amazement of those of us on the East Coast – represents about 8 percent of the total land area of the United States (roughly equivalent […]

Margaret Clune Giblin | November 5, 2008

Climate Change: A New Reason to Act on Old Recommendations

Climate change is such an unprecedented challenge that sometimes it can seem overwhelming to think through its full range of impacts, let alone develop policy solutions to address them. Yet as policymakers delve into the details of the many ways in which climate change will impact global societies and the environment, the most promising solutions […]

Margaret Clune Giblin | October 23, 2008

Proposed Changes to Endangered Species Act Rule Would Further Endanger Species

One recurrent theme of the Bush Administration’s regulatory approach has been the weakening of protective regulations – not just by weakening standards, but by erecting bureaucratic barriers to progress. In mid-August, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) provided another example of the later approach, proposing changes to rules implementing the Endangered Species Act (ESA)—changes […]