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Showing 13 results

Margaret Clune Giblin

Policy Analyst

Margaret Clune Giblin | April 1, 2009

CPR Urges Secretaries of Interior and Commerce to Withdraw Bush Endangered Species Regulations

CPR Member Scholar Holly Doremus, joined by Member Scholars Rob Glicksman (also a CPR Board Member), Alex Camacho, and Dan Rohlf, along with myself, today sent the Secretaries of the Departments of Commerce and Interior a letter urging them to utilize the time-limited authority that Congress gave them to withdraw one of the more controversial […]

Margaret Clune Giblin | March 19, 2009

Longstanding Dispute Brought to the Surface in Allegheny National Forest

More than 10,000 oil and gas wells puncture the land within Pennsylvania’s half-million acre Allegheny National Forest  (ANF)—more than in all the other national forests combined, according to the non-profit Allegheny Defense Project.  Back in the mid-1990s, about 100 new wells were drilled each year; today, it’s about 1,300 per year.  The boom is driven […]

Margaret Clune Giblin | February 11, 2009

Parks Funding in Stimulus Bill: Good for Parks and for the Economy

Both versions of the economic stimulus package – that passed by the House and by the Senate – include funding for the National Park Service.  The bill the House passed last month would allocate $1.7 billion to the National Park Service for “projects to address critical deferred maintenance needs within the National Park System, including […]

Margaret Clune Giblin | February 6, 2009

The Scalpel or the Hatchet? Applying Common-Sense Planning to Water Management

One logical response to the constant news of the economic recession is cutting back on discretionary purchases and developing a household budget.  That is, if we know that times are tough and that we may encounter difficulties sustaining the lifestyle we’ve grown accustomed to, we take stock of our circumstances and plan for the future.  […]

Margaret Clune Giblin | January 29, 2009

Studies Highlight Need for Natural Resource Adaptation Measures

This week, there’s been good news from the Obama Administration regarding climate change policy.  California will likely get that waiver under the Clean Air Act allowing it to set stricter emissions standards for cars.  Additionally, Lisa Jackson, the new Administrator of EPA, indicated in an e-mail (subscription required) to agency employees that the agency will […]

Margaret Clune Giblin | January 22, 2009

Update: Final Endangered Species Rule May Itself Be Endangered

Former President George W. Bush departed for Dallas on Tuesday, but his pervasive legacy remains here in Washington. In a prior post here on CPRblog, I wrote about one of the Bush Administration’s “midnight regulations,” which collectively stamped the most recent of the Bush imprints on public policy. In its proposed changes to the interagency […]

Margaret Clune Giblin | January 15, 2009

Bush’s Blue Legacy Remains Murky

President Bush’s designation of 195,000 square miles of marine monuments last week drew praise from a wide constituency—including many environmentalists, who have so often been at odds with the Bush Administration over the past eight years.  Without a doubt, President Bush’s use of the Antiquities Act to preserve the Marianas, Pacific Remote Islands and Rose […]

Margaret Clune Giblin | December 18, 2008

Pregnancy Don’ts: Drinking, Smoking . . . and Breathing?

From a developmental standpoint, the 280 or so days between conception and birth are among the most important in a person’s entire life. During this period, pregnant women are cautioned to avoid a wide variety of exposures that can inhibit fetal organ development and growth. However, a recent report highlights the risk posed by one […]

Margaret Clune Giblin | December 11, 2008

Alien Invaders Approach the Upper Chesapeake

Although it might not quite be the stuff of a Hollywood blockbuster, the tale of the lowly zebra mussel has a critical mass of the ingredients needed for a horror movie – or at least a seriously disturbing documentary. They’re creatures from a different world (that is, ecosystem), they’re amazingly prolific (each female produces 1 […]