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James Goodwin

Policy Director

James Goodwin | November 30, 2016

New CPR Report: Protecting the Rights of Victims of Defective Aircraft

Many Americans would likely be shocked to learn how lax government oversight of the manufacture and design of aircraft, such as airplanes and helicopters, has become. After all, any list of those areas of the economy that would seem to cry out for strict regulation would have to include aircraft production and maintenance, considering that […]

James Goodwin | November 29, 2016

Racism, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Trump Advisor Steve Bannon

What does Steve Bannon – who, despite his well-documented racism, anti-Semitism, and misogyny, was appointed as president-elect Trump’s senior counselor and White House strategist – have to do with a rarified and wonky policy exercise such as regulatory cost-benefit analysis? Unfortunately, a lot, as it turns out.  From a serious policy perspective, the Trump administration’s […]

James Goodwin | October 10, 2016

It’s Time to Give Customers of Financial Services and Products Their Day in Court

Originally published by the Oxford Business Law Blog. Reprinted with permission. Forced arbitration clauses are now almost impossible to avoid in consumer contracts for financial services and products ranging from credit cards to private student loans. Despite their ubiquity, most consumers aren’t even aware of them. This is because companies frequently bury them deep in […]

James Goodwin | September 15, 2016

House Passes Bill to Silence Agency Experts and Frustrate Public Participation in the Regulatory Process

Last night, the House of Representatives, in an almost completely party-line vote, passed the Regulatory Integrity Act (H.R. 5226), a bill that would prohibit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and other agencies from engaging the public on their pending efforts to address climate change, prevent foodborne illness, and […]

James Goodwin | September 2, 2016

Five Years Ago Today: When Obama Put Politics Ahead of the Public Interest

September 2, 2011, was a lot like today, the Friday before a long holiday weekend.  While many were already turning their attention to backyard barbecues and afternoon naps in hammocks, the then-Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) Cass Sunstein, the controversial official charged with supervising federal regulatory activities, dropped […]

James Goodwin | August 31, 2016

Presidential Transitions Are Important. So Why Aren’t They More Transparent?

Next Wednesday, Public Citizen is holding an important event that aims to promote greater transparency in the presidential transition process. The transition process is among the most critical events in our constitutional system of democracy. As the Center for Presidential Transition lays out in detail in its Presidential Transition Guide, this process is where the […]

James Goodwin | August 23, 2016

Comments from CPR: Forced Arbitration Proposal Is Strong but Should Be Stronger

Yesterday, several CPR Member Scholars and staff formally submitted comments on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) proposed rule to limit the use of forced arbitration agreements in consumer contracts for financial products like credit cards and bank accounts.  CPR Member Scholars and staff have been tracking this rulemaking for over a year and in […]

James Goodwin | August 15, 2016

Sorry, Senator Vitter. The CFPB Is in Full Compliance with Small Business Outreach Law.

While the Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get You Want” may be an ill-advised campaign song, perhaps it can still serve as the official theme song for Sen. David Vitter’s (R-LA) Government Accountability Office (GAO) report requests. The anti-regulatory senator had requested that the GAO audit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) – a favorite […]

James Goodwin | July 14, 2016

Memo to the Next President: Build a Regulatory System That Works for the People

In an earlier post, CPR Member Scholar Robert Glicksman discussed the need for the next president to champion a truly positive vision of government and regulation. A new way of thinking and talking about these issues is critically important, and the president should play a key role in charting this course.  While a rhetorical shift […]