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Clarissa Libertelli | June 8, 2021

Waiting for a Reckoning: Reflections on World Oceans Day, the BP Oil Spill, and Worker Safety

World Oceans Day marks a time to reflect on how our oceans connect to human and environmental health. This year’s theme of “Life and Livelihoods” comes at a time when our federal government is turning to energy jobs and climate justice. As the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010 showed, the lives and livelihoods of millions are affected by how we manage ocean policy. Eleven years later, will policy adapt to prioritize human and environmental health over business?

Minor Sinclair | April 28, 2021

Climate, Equity, and Worker Justice: Two Job Openings at CPR

When I think about climate, I also think about jobs. Jobs that don’t expose workers to toxins, COVID-19, or abuse. Quality jobs for workers and communities that reduce our carbon footprint and facilitate our transition to a clean economy. Jobs with protections and security in a changing economy. We simply cannot protect public health and the environment without addressing workers’ rights. With this in mind, it's perhaps no coincidence that we’re hiring two new policy analysts to enhance our research and advocacy around climate and worker justice. We'd love to have your help finding great candidates for these positions. Please spread the word and maybe even consider applying to one of these jobs yourself! CPR encourages people with underrepresented backgrounds in the nonprofit sector to apply, including people of color.

Minor Sinclair | April 2, 2021

A Victory in the Meatpacking Jungle

A federal district court judge in Minnesota ruled that the USDA acted arbitrarily and capriciously when it eliminated line speed limits vacated the Trump-era rule, showing that there is a limit to high line speeds — and corporate rapaciousness.

Laurie Ristino, Maggie Dewane | March 26, 2021

Women’s History Month Q&A with Board Member Laurie Ristino

To commemorate Women’s History Month, we’re interviewing women at the Center for Progressive Reform about how they’re building a more just America. This week, we're speaking with Board Member Laurie Ristino.

Maggie Dewane, Sarah Krakoff | March 19, 2021

Women’s History Month Q&A with Member Scholar Sarah Krakoff

To commemorate Women’s History Month, we’re interviewing women at the Center for Progressive Reform about how they’re building a more just America. This week, we're speaking with Member Scholar Sarah Krakoff.

Gilonne d'Origny, Maggie Dewane | March 12, 2021

Women’s History Month Q&A with Board Member Gilonne d’Origny

To commemorate Women’s History Month, we’re interviewing women at the Center for Progressive Reform about how they’re building a more just America. This week we spoke to Gilonne d'Origny.

Maggie Dewane | March 8, 2021

Women of CPR Choose to Challenge

International Women’s Day celebrates the changes made by women and calls for action to accelerate women’s equality. This year, International Women’s Day notes that a challenged world is an alert world, and from challenge comes change.

Minor Sinclair | February 18, 2021

I’m Joining CPR to Help Strengthen Our Democracy and Advance Justice and Equity

As many of you know, I started as the Center for Progressive Reform's new executive director this month. I am thrilled to join CPR in this historic moment, to commit the next stage of my life to fight for the integrity and strength of our democracy, and to establish, as FDR said 90 years ago, "the purpose of government to see that not only the legitimate interests of the few are protected but that the welfare and rights of the many are conserved."

Allison Stevens | February 12, 2021

‘All Labor Has Dignity’: It’s Long Past Time to Realize King’s Dream of Humane Working Conditions for All

A half century ago, hundreds of Black sanitation workers marched through Memphis carrying signs bearing four small words: "I am a man." Their short slogan carried a powerful message: Low-paid Black workers are human, and they deserve to be treated as such. Their lives, to quote today's activists for racial justice, matter.