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James Goodwin

Policy Director

James Goodwin | November 6, 2018

For Parents of Rape Survivors, OIRA’s ‘Open Door’ to Nowhere

The meeting logs for the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) – the small but powerful bureau that oversees federal rulemaking efforts on behalf of the president – have looked a little different in recent weeks. As usual, they are graced by high-priced corporate lobbyists and attorneys from white-shoe law firms, along […]

James Goodwin | October 17, 2018

Trump’s Fall Anti-Safeguards Agenda: No Country for Young Children

The Trump administration's Fall 2018 regulatory agenda dropped late last night, and as with previous iterations of this preview of what's to come on the regulatory front, it is chock full of numbers – at least the kinds of numbers partisan ideologues and regulated industries care about. But what these numbers don't reveal are the […]

James Goodwin | October 1, 2018

Executive Order 12866 Is Basically Dead, and the Trump Administration Basically Killed It

Sunday marked the 25th anniversary of the issuance of Executive Order 12866, but it was hardly a happy occasion. For all intents and purposes, though, the order, which governs the process by which federal agencies develop regulations under the supervision of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), is dead. Despite all […]

James Goodwin | September 26, 2018

New Report: A Fair Economy Requires Access to the Courts

The confirmation hearing for Brett Kavanaugh offered Americans a contemporary reminder of what the Framers of the Constitution had in mind when it comes to protecting many of our fundamental rights and liberties. When it came to individual access to civil courts, a right guaranteed in the Seventh Amendment, they couldn't have been clearer. No […]

James Goodwin | September 6, 2018

CPR Member Scholars and Staff Express Support for Sen. Warren’s Anti-Corruption Bill

Today, 18 CPR Member Scholars and staff sent a letter to Sen. Elizabeth Warren expressing their support for her recently introduced bill, the Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act, in particular its provisions to reform the regulatory system so that it works for all Americans. These provisions are just one component of the bill’s comprehensive effort […]

James Goodwin | August 15, 2018

CPR, Public Interest Allies Call on EPA to Abandon ‘Benefits-Busting’ Rule

Earlier this week, 19 Member Scholars with the Center for Progressive Reform (CPR) submitted comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that provide a detailed legal and policy critique of the agency's "benefits-busting" rulemaking.  Since early July, EPA has been accepting feedback on an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) that could lead to a […]

James Goodwin | July 5, 2018

Borrowing from CPR Playbook, Small Business Administration Brings New ‘Win-Win’ Approach to Regulations

When it comes to regulatory protections for health, safety, and the environment, the Small Business Administration (SBA) and its Office of Advocacy don't always put the public interest first. Falling in line with industry and small-government conservatives, it often opposes public protections, particularly where small businesses are concerned. So I was delighted to see a […]

James Goodwin | June 28, 2018

Scott Pruitt Wants to Pick Winners and Losers by Cooking the Books at EPA

UPDATE (July 2, 2018): EPA has granted a one-month extension to its original comment period. Public comments on the advance notice of proposed rulemaking are now due on August 13. Soon after his confirmation, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt quickly set out to take a "whack-a-mole" approach to advancing his anti-safeguard agenda, attacking particular rules designed […]

James Goodwin | June 21, 2018

At Small Business Hearing, CPR’s Ristino Will Connect the Dots between Strong Safeguards and Strong Small Farms

This morning, CPR Member Scholar and Vermont Law School Professor Laurie Ristino will testify at a hearing before the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Energy, and Trade of the House Small Business Committee. The majority's not-so-subtle objective for the hearing is to apply familiar conservative talking points against federal regulations to the specific context of small farms.  […]