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What’s on the Labor Department’s Regulatory Agenda?

Late last week, the White House released its fall 2015 Unified Agenda—the semi-annual report on regulations under development or review by each federal agency. As usual, and therefore of little surprise, this latest agenda spells delay for a laundry list of critical safeguards at several agencies.

According to CPR senior analyst James Goodwin’s review of the regulatory agendas for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and several other agencies, several new protections will be delayed anywhere from two months to over a year.

A look at the Department of Labor’s regulatory agenda also signals extensive delays for some long-anticipated worker protections. Here is the status of rules under development at DOL classified as “major” or “economically significant” rules:



Spring 2015

Fall 2015


Combustible Dust


Pre-rulemaking: expected to initiate small business review panel by 02/2016

Pre-rulemaking: expected to initiate small business review panel by 08/2016

*6 month delay



Preventing Backover Injuries and Fatalities


Long-Term Action: expected to initiate small business review panel by 06/2016

Pre-rulemaking: expected to initiate small business review panel 09/2016

*3 month delay



Walking Working Surfaces and Personal Fall Protection Systems

Final: Final rule expected 8/2015

Final: Final rule expected 04/2016

*8 month delay


Infectious Diseases


Long-Term Action: Proposed rule expected 12/2016

Long-Term Action: Proposed rule expected 12/2016

*no movement expected


Injury and Illness Prevention Program

Long-Term Action: Next action undetermined

Long-Term Action: Next action undetermined

*no movement expected


Update to the Hazard Communication Standard


Long-Term Action: Next action undetermined

Long-Term Action: Next action undetermined

*No movement expected


Occupational Exposure to Beryllium


Proposal: Proposed rule expected 05/2015

Proposal: Analysis of comments on proposed rule expected 12/2015

*moving ahead



Occupational Exposure to Crystalline Silica

Proposal: Post-Hearing Comment Review Period expected 07/2014

Final: Final rule expected 02/2016

*moving ahead


Temporary Non-Agricultural Employment of H-2B Aliens in the U.S.


Final: Comment period on interim final rule expected completion 06/29/2015

Long-Term Action: Next action undetermined

+ indefinite delay


Modernizing the Permanent Labor Certification Program

Proposal: Proposed rule expected 12/2015

Proposal: Proposed rule expected 04/2016

+ 4 month delay


Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Proposal: Comment period on proposed rule expected to conclude 06/15/2015

Proposal: Analysis of comments on proposed rule expected 11/2015

+moving ahead


*statutory deadline for final rule is 01/18/2016


Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act; Joint Rule with the U.S. Dep’t of Education...

Proposal: Comment period on proposed rule expected to conclude 06/15/2015

Proposal: Analysis of comments on proposed rule expected 11/2015

+moving ahead


*statutory deadline for final rule is 01/18/2016


Improved Fee Disclosure for Welfare Plans

Long-Term Action: Next action undetermined

Long-Term Action: Next action undetermined

+no movement expected


Conflict of Interest Rule- Investment Advice

Proposal: Comment period on second proposed rule expected to end 07/06/2015

Proposal: Analysis of comments on proposed rule expected 12/2015

+moving ahead


Final Rules under the Affordable Care Act for Grandfathered Plans…

No entry in Spring Agenda

Final: Final rule expected 11/2015

+moving ahead


Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Contractors


No entry in Spring Agenda

Proposal: Proposed rule expected 02/2016

+moving ahead


*statutory deadline for final rule is 09/30/2016


Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees

Proposal: Proposed rule expected 06/2015

Final: Final rule expected 07/2016

+moving ahead



Showing 2,817 results

Katie Tracy | November 23, 2015

What’s on the Labor Department’s Regulatory Agenda?

Late last week, the White House released its fall 2015 Unified Agenda—the semi-annual report on regulations under development or review by each federal agency. As usual, and therefore of little surprise, this latest agenda spells delay for a laundry list of critical safeguards at several agencies. According to CPR senior analyst James Goodwin’s review of the regulatory […]

James Goodwin | November 20, 2015

Fall 2015 Regulatory Agenda is Out; Clock is Ticking

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Matthew Freeman | November 17, 2015

CPR’s Joel Mintz on the Trans-Pacific Partnership

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Katie Tracy | November 10, 2015

Chickens Aren’t the Only Ones Suffering at the Slaughterhouse

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Matthew Freeman | November 9, 2015

Shallow, Shallower, Shallowest

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Daniel Farber | November 4, 2015

Law Schools Doing Good

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| October 27, 2015

EPA Cracks Down on Stormwater Pollutants in Rhode Island

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Daniel Farber | October 22, 2015

Addressing Externalities: A Modest Proposal

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