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We’re working to create a just society and preserve a healthy environment for future generations. Donate today to help.


Increase Public Participation

Over the last 40 years, the regulatory system has played an influential, if not well understood, role in contributing to the ongoing concentration of economic and political power, which is at the heart of so many of our social problems today.

We believe that the reverse can also be true – that a regulatory system rebuilt according to progressive principles can break up this monopoly on power in our society and redistribute it back to the people, particularly members of structurally marginalized communities. A key element of this reform agenda is making the regulatory system more responsive and inclusive by providing meaningful opportunities for public participation at every stage of the policy process.

What We’re Doing

In addition to pushing for innovative reforms to the existing notice-and-comment process, we are developing proposals to strengthen citizen engagement in agenda-setting, permit design, compliance monitoring, and enforcement. We are also working to ensure that agencies bring more equity to developing new policy-relevant information, a concept we refer to as “information justice.”

Communities Left Behind

How Local Ordinances Can Obstruct Energy Democracy and a Just Transition

Thanks to market forces and targeted policies, a clean energy transition is sweeping across the United States, bringing communities important benefits such as economic opportunity, cheaper electricity, and a cleaner environment. But not all communities will be able to share in these benefits because they have adopted restrictions on the development of new renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, and battery storage.

Recent Highlights

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