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Matt Shudtz, Rena Steinzor, Sidney A. Shapiro, Thomas McGarity | February 8, 2010 Workers at Risk: Regulatory Dysfunction at OSHA Alyson Flournoy, Margaret Clune Giblin | February 1, 2010 The Future of Environmental Protection: The Case for a National Environmental Legacy Act James Goodwin, Matt Shudtz, Sidney A. Shapiro, Thomas McGarity, William Buzbee, William Funk | November 17, 2009 Fifty FDAs: An Argument for Federal Preemption of State Tort Law that Is Less than Meets the Eye James Goodwin, Jennifer Marshall, Nina Mendelson, Sidney A. Shapiro, Thomas McGarity, William Funk | November 17, 2009 The Truth About Torts: Regulatory Preemption at the Federal Railroad Administration Matt Shudtz, Rena Steinzor, Sidney A. Shapiro | October 28, 2009 Regulatory Dysfunction: How Insufficient Resources, Outdated Laws, and Political Interference Cripple the ‘Protector Agencies’ Amy Sinden, Catherine O'Neill, James Goodwin, Rena Steinzor, Yee Huang | October 27, 2009 The Hidden Human and Environmental Costs of Regulatory Delay Amy Sinden, James Goodwin, Rena Steinzor, Sidney A. Shapiro | October 27, 2009 A Return to Common Sense: Protecting Health, Safety, and the Environment Through Pragmatic Regulatory Impact Analysis Alexandra Klass, Yee Huang | September 23, 2009 Restoring the Trust: Water Resources & the Public Trust Doctrine: An Index of State Constitutional and Statutory Provisions and Cases on Water Resources & the Public Trust Doctrine Robert L. Glicksman | September 23, 2009 CPR Perspective: Technology-Based Standards: The Advantages of Technology-Based Standards in Protecting Health, Safety, and the Environment