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Showing 40 results

Alejandro Camacho, Bradley Karkkainen, Daniel Farber, Dave Owen, Federico Holm, James Goodwin, Robert Fischman, Robert L. Glicksman, Victor Flatt | September 29, 2023 Joint Comments to the Council on Environmental Quality on Proposed NEPA Rules Robert L. Glicksman | February 22, 2021 Biden Has the Power to Restore Good Governance Alejandro Camacho, Alexandra Klass, Alice Kaswan, Christine Klein, Dan Rohlf, Daniel Farber, Dave Owen, Hannah Wiseman, Joel A. Mintz, Joseph Tomain, Karen Sokol, Robert Fischman, Robert L. Glicksman, Sandra Zellmer, Sarah Krakoff, Shalanda H. Baker, Uma Outka, Victor Flatt, William Buzbee | October 13, 2020 Climate, Energy, Justice: The Policy Path to a Just Transition for an Energy-Hungry America Alejandro Camacho, Robert L. Glicksman | August 24, 2020 The Trump Administration’s Latest Unconstitutional Power Grab Alejandro Camacho, Robert L. Glicksman | May 19, 2020 The Trump Administration’s Pandemic Response is Structured to Fail Alejandro Camacho, Robert L. Glicksman | April 9, 2020 Reorganizing Government: A Functional and Dimensional Framework Alejandro Camacho, Alyson Flournoy, Carmen Gonzalez, Darya Minovi, Dave Owen, David Flores, Gilonne d'Origny, Heather Elliott, James Goodwin, Joel A. Mintz, Karen Sokol, Katie Tracy, Laurie Ristino, Matt Shudtz, Michael C. Duff, Michele Janin, Rebecca Bratspies, Rena Steinzor, Robert L. Glicksman, Sandra Zellmer, Sarah Krakoff, Steph Tai, Thomas McGarity, William Andreen, William Funk | March 18, 2020 CPR Letter to OMB Re Comment Extension During Coronavirus Alejandro Camacho, Robert L. Glicksman | January 20, 2020 Trump Is Trying to Cripple the Environment and Democracy Katie Tracy, Matt Shudtz, Robert L. Glicksman, Thomas McGarity, Victor Flatt | January 14, 2020 Joint Letters from CPR re Administrative Law Judges