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Carlos Claussell

Climate and Environmental Justice Manager

World Wildlife Fund

Carlos Claussell Velez is the Climate and Environmental Justice Manager for the World Wildlife Fund and serves as a member of the Center’s Board of Directors.

Carlos Claussell Velez is a climate change and environmental professional with 15 years of experience working with community-based organizations, nonprofits, government and philanthropic entities committed to advancing climate justice and equity strategies at the local, state and national level.

Carlos leads the Climate and Environmental Justice strategy for the World Wildlife Fund, focusing on aligning climate action with benefits for communities under America Is All In, the largest U.S. climate coalition with over 5,000 members; Renewable Thermal Collaborative, aglobal leading coalition for organizations committed to scaling up renewable thermal energy; and the WWF-led Community-positive Energy Transition initiative.

Carlos serves as a board member for PennFuture, Pennsylvania’s environmental watchdog, and is also a former Vice-Chair and member of the City of Philadelphia’s Inaugural Environmental Justice Advisory Commission. Carlos is a 2022 Climate Justice Design Fellow from Harvard University, 2022 Clean Energy Leadership Institute fellow, and a 2020 Environmental Leadership Program Senior Fellow. Carlos has also worked as a Senior Program Officer for the Institute for Sustainable Communities, Urban Conservation Project Manager for The Nature Conservancy, and Urbanism & Infrastructure Project Manager for the Caño Martin Peña ENLACE Project Corporation, winner of the 2023 Inaugural Global Impact Award from American Society of Landscape Architects & International Federation of Landscape Architects, and United Nations 2016 World Habitat Award.