How do pandemics disproportionately impact vulnerable communities, and how do environmental stressors exacerbate these disparities? Does climate change play a role in shaping pandemics? What lessons might we learn from the response to COVID-19 that can be applied to the climate crisis? What federal laws may be invoked to address the pandemic and protect vulnerable communities?
On CPR's April 29, 2020, webinar, participants heard from leading experts on pandemics, public health, and climate change, as part of our series of Climate Justice webinars. Dr. Monica Schoch-Spana is an expert in epidemic and disaster management, with decades of experience advising federal, state, and local officials on health security. Dr. Aaron Bernstein brings experience as a pediatrician on the front lines and cutting-edge expertise on the intersection of public health and climate change. Finally, seasoned environmental lawyer and CPR Member Scholar Daniel Farber is an expert on the available legal and policy tools, such as the Stafford Act, that may be used to help protect vulnerable communities from bearing the greatest burden of the pandemic.
You can view or download the slide deck for the webinar, here, or read Darya Minovi's brief summary, here. Or you can watch the entire webinar, below.