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Showing 130 results

Matt Shudtz

Executive Director

Matt Shudtz | December 1, 2011

OSHA Expands National Emphasis Program for Chemical Facility Process Safety Management

This week OSHA expanded a two-year-old enforcement program aimed at preventing catastrophic release of highly hazardous chemicals—the type of headline-grabbing event that ruined thousands of lives in Bhopal in 1984 and was narrowly avoided in West Virginia in 2008.  Originally targeted at just three regions (and optional for state-plan states in those regions), the National […]

Matt Shudtz | October 4, 2011

ACC Has IRIS on its Hit List

A few weeks ago, Rena Steinzor used this space to highlight some questionable activity happening at EPA’s IRIS office and wonder, “ Is IRIS Next on the Hit List?” The good news last week was that EPA released a number of documents, including the controversial and long-awaited assessment of TCE, giving some reassurance that IRIS staff […]

Matt Shudtz | August 25, 2011

Platinum Industry Association Responds to My Critique of Their DQA Complaint

Shortly after my August 5th post criticizing their Data Quality Act complaint to EPA, the International Platinum Group Metals Association sent me a kindly-written response letter (Inside EPA recently reported on the letter). Accusing me of both missing the point of their complaint and brushing aside important scientific concerns to make a headline-grabbing call for “over-regulation,” […]

Matt Shudtz | August 11, 2011

With Updates to EPCRA Reporting Rules, EPA Has Another Opportunity to Better Protect Workers

On Monday, EPA announced its intention to revise the emergency planning rules for industrial facilities. The goal of the revisions is to give state and local emergency planning committees better information that they can use to prepare for chemical spills, explosions, and other disasters at industrial facilities. In the initial proposal released Monday, EPA disregards a request […]

Matt Shudtz | August 5, 2011

Platinum Industry Tries a DQA Complaint the Bush Administration Wouldn’t Even Accept

On Monday, the International Platinum Group Metals Association submitted a Data Quality Act complaint (pdf) to EPA regarding a draft toxicological review of halogenated platinum salts and platinum compounds. This one ought to go straight to the agency’s recycling bin. IPA, as the trade group calls itself, is complaining that the draft document, released by EPA’s […]

Matt Shudtz | August 4, 2011

IUR Update a Good Start, But a Missed Opportunity for Worker Health and Safety

On Tuesday, EPA finalized important revisions to its Inventory Update Rule (IUR), which is the federal government’s primary means of finding out what chemicals are being produced or used, where they’re being produced and used, and in what quantities. The revisions close up some major loopholes created by the Bush administration and should give the agency […]

Matt Shudtz | August 3, 2011

Draft Scientific Integrity Policies Due from Agencies; Progress Unclear

Today marks 90 days since the last milestone in the White House’s push toward improvements in federal agencies’ scientific integrity policies. Agencies that have made progress in this time ought to release their draft plans and open them to public comment.  From an outsider’s perspective, there hasn’t been much progress to evaluate recently. It’s something we’ve gotten […]

Matt Shudtz | June 9, 2011

EPA Pulls Back the Curtain on More CBI Claims Regarding Toxic Chemicals’ Safety

EPA announced Wednesday that staff from the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention are making good on a promise to give the public increased access to health and safety studies about the toxic chemicals that pervade our lives. I applaud EPA for their work. Until Congress reforms TSCA to free EPA’s hand in regulating toxic chemicals, […]

Matt Shudtz | May 31, 2011

OSHA Releases Self-Evaluation of its Role in Federal Response to BP Oil Spill

OSHA published a report (pdf) last week on its role in the federal government’s response to last year’s massive oil spill. Within days of the blowout aboard the Deepwater Horizon, OSHA officials were in Louisiana, working to ensure that the people involved in the response and cleanup had adequate protection from the myriad hazards they would […]