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Showing 136 results

Matthew Freeman

Media Consultant to CPR

Matthew Freeman | April 21, 2011

Steinzor BP Spill Op-Ed in Baltimore Sun: Learning and Acting Slowly

Right about this time a year ago, Americans were learning about a massive explosion aboard an oil rig in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico called the Deepwater Horizon that had occurred the day before. Video footage of the flame-engulfed rig began splashing across television screens, and we were told that 11 workers on […]

Matthew Freeman | April 13, 2011

Echeverria Testifies on Eminent Domain Bill

CPR Member Scholar John Echeverria was on Capitol Hill yesterday, testifying before the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on the Constitution. His topic was a proposed bill from Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) to impose federal limits on state and local use of eminent domain – the authority to condemn private property so that it can be […]

Matthew Freeman | April 7, 2011

GOP’s Latest Anti-Regulatory Effort is a (S)TRAIN; CPR’s Steinzor to Testify on New Bill

This afternoon at 1:00 p.m., the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Energy and Power will check one more box in the House GOP’s ongoing effort to demonstrate its appreciation to the corporate interests that helped elect them, by holding a hearing on a proposal disingenuously called the Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts […]

Matthew Freeman | March 25, 2011

Echoes of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in Today’s Debate over Regulation

One hundred years ago today, 146 people perished in one of the nation’s worst workplace tragedies – the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in the heart of New York City. The story is gruesome, and each detail of exactly how so many people were trapped in a burning building was, and remains, a reminder of what […]

Matthew Freeman | February 11, 2011

In Discussion about Regulation on the NewsHour, Darrell Issa Gets Casual with the Truth

On last night’s PBS NewsHour, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, took a shot at CPR’s Sidney Shapiro, who was the lone witness that Committee Democrats were allowed to invite to testify at yesterday’s  hearing on the costs of regulation. Issa badly mischaracterized Shapiro’s testimony, saying: The minority chose […]

Matthew Freeman | February 10, 2011

CPR’s Shapiro Testifies this Morning on Benefits of Regulation

This morning, CPR Member Scholar Sidney Shapiro will testify before Rep. Darrell Issa’s House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on the economic value of regulation.  He’ll be a lone voice on the roster of witnesses.  The hearing will have two panels of witnesses.  The first will feature five industry representatives, and the second will feature two […]

Matthew Freeman | February 10, 2011

CPR’s Noah Sachs in New Republic on REINS

CPR Member Scholar Noah Sachs has a piece on The New Republic‘s website dismantling the GOP House majority’s favority piece of anti-regulatory legislation, the REINS Act.  The proposal would block all regulations from taking effect unless they are specifically approved by both houses of Congress within 70 days of submission and then signed into effect by […]

Matthew Freeman | February 10, 2011

Live-Tweeting from Issa Hearing on Regulation

We’ll be live-tweeting today’s hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.  Follow @CPRBlog.

Matthew Freeman | January 5, 2011

David Driesen Takes a Bite out of the REINS Act in Post-Standard Op-Ed

One of the top agenda items for the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives will be pressing an anti-regulatory bill they’re calling the REINS Act. The bill would subject newly minted regulations protecting health, safety, the environment and more to a requirement that  Congress adopt resolutions of approval within 90 days of the […]