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Showing 164 results

Ben Somberg

Media Manager

Ben Somberg | October 29, 2010

The Economics of California’s Climate Law

Over at Grist, CPR Member Scholar Frank Ackerman explains why the economic calculations used by the Yes on 23 campaign in California are rather fishy.

Ben Somberg | October 4, 2010

Farber LAT Op-Ed on California Climate Law

CPR Member Scholar Daniel Farber and Richard Frank, both of BerkeleyLaw, have an op-ed in the LA Times today on Proposition 23, the ballot initiative that would suspsend California’s climate law, AB 32. They argue: For California to retreat on the climate issue now would send a defeatist message nationally and worldwide. It’s true that […]

Ben Somberg | October 1, 2010

US OSHA Reviews State Plans

Over at The Pump Handle, Celeste Monforton looks at federal OSHA's review, issued this week, of the state worker safety programs.

Ben Somberg | September 30, 2010

New CPR Study Chronicles Series of Regulatory Failures that Produced BP Oil Spill

A new CPR white paper today argues that the BP oil spill and its attendant environmental and economic harm were entirely preventable, and indeed, would have been avoided had government regulators over the years been pushed and empowered by determined leadership and given sufficient resources to enforce the law. The paper, Regulatory Blowout: How Regulatory […]

Ben Somberg | September 24, 2010

Obligatory Lomborg Post

Over at Grist, CPR Member Scholar Frank Ackerman and The Lomborg Deception author Howard Friel debunk Bjorn Lomborg’s new tack in their piece “Bjorn Lomborg: same skeptic, different day.”

Ben Somberg | September 23, 2010

Chesapeake Bay Announcement Coming Tomorrow

Two items of note tomorrow in the Chesapeake Bay realm: The EPA will publish the draft Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) – a cap on the total water pollution that can be discharged into the Bay. The TMDL will be open for public comment until November 8, 2010. The states (and DC) in […]

Ben Somberg | September 20, 2010

NYT Checks in on Drywall Situation, Finds Mess

The toxic drywall issue has been relatively quiet in the press for some time now. Some guy in Manatee County FL looks to be trying to flip a few contaminated houses (unclear how much he’s repairing them). Habitat for Humanity had a drywall problem in New Orleans. No real big announcements from CPSC of late. […]

Ben Somberg | September 14, 2010

BP Disaster Shows Challenges in Federal Decision-Making Structure on Safety Policies for Cleanup Workers, CPR Report Says

Today CPR releases a new white paper, From Ship to Shore: Reforming the National Contingency Plan to Improve Protections for Oil Spill Cleanup Workers (press release), a look at how decisions were made about safety protections for cleanup workers in the aftermath of the BP oil spill — and the lessons for the future. The […]

Ben Somberg | September 3, 2010

Programming Note: Shapiro on Leslie Marshall Radio Show This Evening

CPR Member Scholar Sidney Shapiro will be on the Leslie Marshall Show at 7:20ET this evening discussing regulatory failures, from the BP oil spill to the Katrina disaster of five years ago, and the lessons learned. The program is syndicated on TalkUSA and streams live.