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Showing 1,438 results

William Buzbee | September 23, 2016

Federalism Games in the Clean Power Plan Battle

Next Tuesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit will hear four hours of argument over the Clean Power Plan (CPP). Federalism-linked statutory, regulatory, and doctrinal law has been and will be crucial to the CPP’s fate, and several issues of federalism will play a key role. In designing the CPP, the U.S. […]

| September 20, 2016

New EPA Assessment Shines a Light on a Cause of Chesapeake Bay Woes

The Chesapeake Bay watershed and its restoration framework under the Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) are so large and complex that it can be a real challenge to study, much less write about, the problem and the ongoing restoration efforts. This is why the recent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) assessment of the tiny […]

Alice Kaswan | September 19, 2016

Landmark California Law Links Emissions Reductions and Environmental Justice Goals

California’s recent climate legislation is noteworthy not only for its toughest-in-the-nation carbon reduction goals – 40 percent below 1990 emissions by 2030 – but also for continuing the state’s tradition of linking climate and environmental justice goals. AB 197, which accompanied a carbon reduction bill known as SB 32, prioritizes direct emission reductions likely to […]

Brian Gumm | September 13, 2016

CPR Member Scholars Earn Top Marks in Environmental Law Scholarship

Every year, Thomson Reuters and West Publishing compile a set of significant and influential articles from a number of legal scholars who focus on land use and environmental law. The Land Use & Environment Law Review represents some of the best scholarship on these issues, and peer reviewers recently included five pieces on environmental law […]

David Driesen | September 8, 2016

The Clean Power Plan: Unpacking the Generation Shifting Issue

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Clean Power Plan (CPP) relies, in part, on a pollution reduction strategy – generation shifting – that is at issue in the ongoing lawsuit over the rule. Generation shifting involves increasing use of relatively clean natural gas and renewable energy and reducing use of relatively dirty and expensive coal-fired […]

David Driesen | September 8, 2016

The Role of the Clean Air Act’s Goals in Clean Power Plan Litigation

The Clean Power Plan has been widely touted as significant because it regulates the largest source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the United States – the electric power industry. Its significance, however, goes beyond U.S. CO2 emissions because it serves as the linchpin of international efforts to reduce greenhouse gases in order to avoid […]

James Goodwin | August 31, 2016

Presidential Transitions Are Important. So Why Aren’t They More Transparent?

Next Wednesday, Public Citizen is holding an important event that aims to promote greater transparency in the presidential transition process. The transition process is among the most critical events in our constitutional system of democracy. As the Center for Presidential Transition lays out in detail in its Presidential Transition Guide, this process is where the […]

Brian Gumm | August 29, 2016

Verchick in Slate: Connecting the Dots Between Climate Change and Our Vulnerable Energy Grid

It’s common knowledge that our energy choices impact the planet’s climate, but less widely known is how climate change and its intensified storms, heat waves, droughts, and water shortages affect our energy grid. Already vulnerable, the grid can suffer catastrophic damage when a storm like Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Sandy strikes.  In an Aug. 26 […]

Matthew Freeman | August 25, 2016

‘Cultural Cognition’ Theory Offers a Path to Climate Change Progress

Over the course of the last few decades, one of the great communications challenges facing progressives has been, and continues to be, how we talk about climate change. The difficulty in persuading politicians and the public about the need for action isn’t just that the effort has run head-long into a massive and well-funded industry […]