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Communications Specialist
Erin Kesler | August 6, 2013
The following guest post is contributed by Celeste Monforton, DrPH, MPH. Dr. Monforton is an Assistant Research Professor at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services. Finally! After far too much hullabaloo about the cost of regulations, there was a U.S. Senate hearing today on why public health regulations are important, […]
Erin Kesler | August 1, 2013
Today, Center for Progressive Reform President Rena Steinzor will testify at a Senate Hearing hosted by the Judiciary Committee entitled “Justice Delayed: the Human Cost of Regulatory Paralysis.“ Steinzor’s testimony can be read in full here. According to her testimony: The subcommittee deserves tremendous credit for airing the truth about the public health regulations that […]
Erin Kesler | July 30, 2013
Last week, The Hill published an opinion piece by Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar Robert Verchick. The piece entitled, “Politics and progress: Will the White House stall its own climate change plans?” can be read here. According to Verchick: Under its statutory authority, EPA has ample power to write rules limiting power plant emissions, […]
Erin Kesler | July 10, 2013
This morning, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee is expected to advance the “Energy Consumer Relief Act” for consideration. The Act would allow the head of the Department of Energy to veto any rules promulgated by the EPA with estimated “costs” of over $1 billion. Center for Progressive Reform President Rena Steinzor testified against the […]
Erin Kesler | June 28, 2013
Last night, the Senate confirmed Howard Shelanski as Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) at the Office of Management and Budget. As we’ve written about before, the confirmation of Shelanski as head of OIRA comes at a criticial juncture. OIRA is tasked with reviewing rules proposed by federal agencies. Presently, of the 139 […]
Erin Kesler | June 27, 2013
Yesterday, The Hill published an opinion piece by Center for Progressive Reform President Rena Steinzor. The piece, entitled, “Toxic chemical bill trumps state rights” can be read here. Steinzor writes: We read with dismay… the drastic provisions of legislation authored by Sens. David Vitter (R-La.) and the late Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) deceptively entitled the Chemical […]
Erin Kesler | June 24, 2013
Is the annual cost of federal regulation really $1.75 trillion? Do regulations really hinder job creation and economic growth? Is it true that agencies are free to issue costly regulations without legal authority or political accountability? These are just some of the myths spread by supporters of legislation to further weaken the ability of protector […]
Erin Kesler | June 10, 2013
Three years later, it was time for a new episode. Back in 2010, Congress listened to some climate-denial rants, counted votes, and decided to do absolutely nothing about climate change; this year on Capitol Hill, the magic continues. Also in 2010, the Obama administration released an estimate of “the social cost of carbon”` (SCC) […]
Erin Kesler | December 12, 2009
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