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Showing 65 results

Erin Kesler

Communications Specialist

Erin Kesler | June 2, 2014

CPR’s Verchick in Times-Picayune: Governor Jindal, don’t sign away our legal claims against BP

Today, Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar Robert Verchick published an op-ed in New Orleans’ Times-Picayune entitled, “Gov. Jindal, don’t sign away our legal claims against BP.” The piece notes: Governor Jindal will probably sign SB469, a bill designed to neutralize the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority – East’s lawsuit against oil and gas companies. But does […]

Erin Kesler | May 29, 2014

CPR Scholar William Buzbee testifies at House Hearing on EPA’s Waters of the US Rule

Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar and Professor of Law and Emory University School of Law William Buzbee will be testifying today at a House Committee on Small Business Administration Hearing entitled, “Will the EPA’s ‘Waters of the United States’ Rule Drown Small Businesses?” According to Buzbee’s testimony: The purpose and logic of the new “waters” proposed […]

Erin Kesler | May 19, 2014

CPR’s Catherine O’Neill in Seattle Times: Protect water and health by updating state’s fish-consumption rate

Today, the Seattle Times published an op-ed by CPR scholar and University of Seattle law professor Catherine O’Neill with University of Washington professor and public health officer Frank James entitled, “Protect water and health by updating state’s fish-consumption rate.” According to the piece: GOV. Jay Inslee is currently considering how much fish Washingtonians may safely consume […]

Erin Kesler | May 16, 2014

Mint Press News: Americans Deserve Real Toxic Chemical Reform

Center for Progressive Reform Scholar Sidney Shapiro and Asbestos Disease Awareness Association President Linda Reinstein published a piece in Mint Press News on toxic chemical reform legislation. They note: Imagine a chemical that every public health organization in the United States and around the world knows to cause cancer and a host of other illnesses. You might […]

Erin Kesler | April 29, 2014

CPR Scholars Respond to Supreme Court Ruling in Favor of EPA’s Cross-State Pollution Rule

The Supreme Court today upheld, by a 6-2 vote, the EPA’s cross-state air pollution rule. Below are reactions from Center for Progressive Reform scholars Thomas O. McGarity and Victor Flatt. According to McGarity: After two decade’s worth of litigation, the Supreme Court has finally held that EPA may require polluters in one state to protect […]

Erin Kesler | April 9, 2014

The Hill: Natural Floods, Unnatural Disasters

Yesterday, The Hill published an opinion piece by CPR scholars Christine Klein and Sandra Zellmer. According to the piece: President Obama recently signed a controversial bill that will directly affect the safety of millions of Americans. The fine print is so complicated, though, that it’s hard to predict exactly how our safety will be affected. Some say that the […]

Erin Kesler | April 3, 2014

CPR Analyst Matthew Shudtz to Testify at OSHA Silica Hearing

Today, CPR Senior Policy Analyst Matthew Shudtz will be testifying at OSHA’s hearing on the proposed silica rule. According to Shudtz: The testimony raises some concerns about how OSHA arrived at its proposal to provide limited medical surveillance for silica-exposed workers.  It also covers issues related to enforcement and small business impacts.  But most importantly, […]

Erin Kesler | February 27, 2014

CPR’s Michael Patoka Testifies in Support of Maryland Responsible Contracting Bill for Worker Health and Safety

Today, Center for Progressive Reform analyst Michael Patoka testified at a Maryland Senate Finance Committee Hearing in support of SB 774, which would require construction companies contracting with the state to be prequalified based on their worker health and safety performance measures. The widely supported legislation would ensure unscrupulous employers do not receive contracts funded by taxpayer dollars.  In his […]

Erin Kesler | December 23, 2013

Climate deniers in the dark

Climate change and pollution affects everyone. Global warming-induced hurricanes pummel our coasts and droughts ravage our farmland. Our neighbors, friends, and children develop asthma and heart attacks because of air pollution and our favorite parks and hunting grounds are withering away. The science is conclusive and polls reflect the concern of many Americans about global warming and […]