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Showing 29 results

Brian Gumm

Communications Director

Brian Gumm | April 8, 2016

Steinzor in The New York Times: Judgment Day for Reckless Executives

On April 6, U.S. District Court Judge Irene Berger sentenced former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship to one year in jail and a $250,000 fine for conspiring to violate federal health and safety standards at the Upper Big Branch Mine in West Virginia. The mine exploded and killed 29 miners in April 2010.  In an […]

Brian Gumm | March 31, 2016

Steinzor, Panel to Explore What Next Administration Will Mean for Public Protections

When it comes to public health, the environment, and social justice, Americans are facing a host of challenges that call out for comprehensive, national solutions. Whether it’s climate change, threats to water resources like the Chesapeake Bay and the Great Lakes, or serious injuries and deaths in the workplace, how we respond as a nation […]