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David Driesen

University Professor

David Driesen | March 24, 2010

Incorporating the Best of Cantwell-Collins into KGL: Don’t Forget the Missing Instrument

Last week, Senators Kerry, Graham, and Lieberman (KGL) reportedly released an 8-page outline for a bill mitigating climate disruption that they are crafting in order to try to break the deadlock that has heretofore blocked legislation in the Senate. ClimateWire reported that the KGL bill would incorporate ideas from the bill introduced by Senators Maria […]

David Driesen | September 17, 2009

Administrative Delay in Implementing a Cap-and-Trade Program: A Compelling Reason to Auction All Allowances

Cap-and-trade legislation making its way through Congress has become enormously complex, embodying a host of arcane political deals governing the distribution of the vast majority of emissions allowances being given away for free, with crucial details being left to EPA. This complexity threatens to hinder the effort to address climate disruption (see my article Capping […]

David Driesen | April 29, 2009

In Debate on Waxman-Markey, a Question on Avoiding Liability for Violating the Law

A coalition of conservative and moderate Democrats has recommended deleting section 336 of the Waxman-Markey climate change bill because of “concern among industry about potential new liability for any emitter” under that provision (see the proposed amendments). Some polluters’ objective, apparently, is to avoid liability for violating the law, and they recommend this deletion as […]