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Alexandra Klass

CPR Member Scholar; Professor of Law

Alexandra Klass | October 5, 2009

Boxer-Kerry: Carbon Capture and Sequestration Provisions Are About Right

This post is the third in a series from CPR Member Scholars examining different aspects of the Boxer-Kerry bill on climate change, which was released September 30. The Boxer-Kerry bill, like the Waxman-Markey bill that passed the House, provides for funding, study, and emissions allowances for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS). In terms of developing a […]

Alexandra Klass | August 6, 2009

Carbon Capture and Sequestration: An Assessment of the Facts (Below) the Ground Today

One of many approaches to combating climate change is “Carbon Capture and Geologic Sequestration” (CCS). It’s a pretty straightforward idea: capture climate-change-causing carbon emissions and lock them up underground, rather than letting them float up into the atmosphere where they would contribute to global warming. The concept may be simple, but the actual engineering of […]