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Showing 130 results

Matt Shudtz

Executive Director

Matt Shudtz | June 13, 2017

House Continues its Anti-Consumer Crusade, Attacking Patients’ Rights

To call the timing coincidental doesn’t give House Republicans enough credit. Tomorrow, while the fallout from Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ testimony about his connections to Russia dominates most Capitol Hill news coverage, the House will vote on H.R. 1215, a bill designed to strip injured patients of their day in court. Last week, the same […]

Matt Shudtz | June 12, 2017

Trump’s Nominee for Top EPA Enforcement Lawyer Set to Testify. Here’s What We Want to Know.

Susan Bodine, an attorney with significant experience on Capitol Hill and at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is President Trump’s nominee to lead the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) at the agency. She is likely to get a friendly audience tomorrow when she appears before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee […]

Matt Shudtz | May 23, 2017

The Depraved Indifference of Hollow Government

From the safety of Air Force One en route from Tel Aviv to Rome, President Trump dropped his FY 2018 budget on Washington, D.C., and sent OMB Director Mick Mulvaney to run point on the ground. They like to talk about it as a “hard power” budget. What they don’t like to talk about are […]

Matt Shudtz | April 10, 2017

Looking for Inspiration Outside the Beltway? See What’s Happening in Maryland.

Thank goodness for state-level policymakers who are resisting the Trump administration’s extreme policies. Attorneys general from around the nation are making headlines by fighting Trump’s discriminatory immigration ban. Governors from both major political parties stood up to the attempt to strip away health care from millions of hard-working Americans and their children. And mayors and […]

Matt Shudtz | March 16, 2017

President’s Reckless Budget Proposal Would Gut Agencies, Endanger Our Health and Environment

As part of a coalition of public interest organizations working toward a responsible federal budget that protects people and the planet, I released the following statement on President Trump’s reckless budget proposal that guts the EPA, eliminates federal funding for the Chesapeake Bay cleanup effort, and more.  “The president’s ‘skinny budget’ is a particularly apt […]

Matt Shudtz | January 31, 2017

You Can’t Always Get What You Want

As long as Donald Trump is in the White House, progressives should harbor no delusions that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is going to be a wool-socks-in-Birkenstocks tree hugger. Scott Pruitt is certainly no such individual. But nor is he a person with the experience, depth of understanding of the agency’s programs, […]

Matt Shudtz | November 21, 2016

What Can We Expect from a President Trump?

Hazy as they may be, we are all looking into our crystal balls, trying to envision what a Donald Trump presidency will mean for the world around us. The first glimpses we have of the future – Steve Bannon at Trump’s right hand, Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor – […]

Matt Shudtz | November 10, 2016

The Struggle Ahead

Where do we stand now that the election is over and the presidential transition is beginning? That’s a common question these days. Those of us striving in the public interest had come to expect progress, and now that expectation has been dashed. For eight years, President Obama and his team of dedicated public servants did […]

Matt Shudtz | July 29, 2016

CPR Lauds OSHA’s Continued Vigilance over Rampant Dangers in the Poultry Slaughter Industry

Earlier this week, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) cited Pilgrim’s Pride, one of the world’s largest poultry processors, with more than a dozen serious workplace health and safety violations. CPR Executive Director Matthew Shudtz issued the following statement today:  Credit OSHA for pushing the envelope. The poultry slaughter industry loves to tout its […]