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Showing 30 results

David Flores

Senior Policy Analyst

David Flores | April 5, 2018

New Policy Research from CPR’s Verchick Featured in Royal Society Report on Paris Climate Accord

A new report in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A published earlier this week presents a suite of new scientific and policy research meant to improve and drive forward progress under the Paris Climate Agreement. The report – from the oldest science journal in the western world – is the culmination of presentations […]

David Flores | March 19, 2018

Threat from Climate-Induced Spills Goes Beyond Superfund and Toxic Release Inventory Sites

This post is the first in a forthcoming series about climate change and the increasing risk of floods releasing toxic chemicals from industrial facilities in Virginia. At the tail end of winter, a succession of “bomb cyclones” and nor’easters has brought fierce winds and surging coastal flooding to the mid-Atlantic and Northeast. These storms remind […]

David Flores | February 28, 2018

If Chesapeake Bay Jurisdictions Are Serious About Restoration, They Must Take Climate Change into Account

At a workshop on Friday, March 2, representatives of the Chesapeake Bay jurisdictions will meet in Baltimore to make important final decisions about how to address pollution – previously accounted for – from the Conowingo Dam and climate change. Decisions these representatives make about how to address pollution loads through the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum […]

David Flores | November 16, 2017

New Report: Toxic Industrial Stormwater Widespread, Maryland Enforcement Seldom Seen

Those who take public safeguards seriously are well aware of the potential consequences that arise from the dangerous combination of poorly written pollution permits and lax – even absent – enforcement. From construction sites with failing erosion and sediment controls to ammonia and bacteria-spewing concentrated animal feeding operations, our waterways, their users, and vulnerable populations […]

David Flores | September 9, 2017

As Irma Hits Florida, Trump’s Risk Is Different from His Neighbors’

As Hurricane Irma takes aim at the Florida coast, questions about property and community vulnerabilities abound, including for some of President Donald Trump’s properties. A brief analysis by the Center for Progressive Reform (CPR) has found that while Trump’s properties, including Mar-a-Lago, face significant risk of damage from the hurricane and from the ongoing impacts […]

David Flores | August 30, 2017

Trump Administration Policies Will Make Americans More Vulnerable to Toxic Floodwaters

As the country bears witness to the impacts of Hurricane Harvey, a storm unlike any other, the Trump administration’s policy of rolling back worker, emergency response, and environmental safeguards will all but ensure that victims of future flooding events will be exposed to toxic contamination. Over just a 36-hour period, an estimated 9 trillion gallons of rainwater deluged […]

David Flores | July 27, 2017

Trump’s Deregulatory Agenda Is an Assault on Climate-Threatened Communities

Late last week, we shared our first take on how the Trump administration’s 2017 deregulatory agenda threatens to knock the wheels off of agency efforts to protect workers, consumers, and vulnerable populations – like children and homeless families – from air pollution, flooding, and explosions in the workplace, among other hazards. After some additional research, […]

David Flores | June 14, 2017

As Waters Rise, Trump Wants to Cut Coastal Protection Efforts Off at the Knees

On Thursday, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt will appear before a House Appropriations subcommittee to explain how he plans to square the Trump administration’s proposed 31-percent cut to EPA’s budget with its statutory obligations to protect the environment. Spoiler alert: There’s no plan. The proposition – implementing and enforcing safeguards related to water, […]

David Flores | June 7, 2017

Trump’s Proposed Budget Cuts to Climate Programs Hurt American Agriculture

President Trump’s historic retreat from the Paris climate accord last week is just the latest installment in the story of how his administration’s anti-science and anti-protections policies with respect to climate change could do grave harm to many aspects of American life. His proposed budget is likely to be the next chapter.  While Trump sees […]