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Rebecca Bratspies headshot

Rebecca Bratspies

Professor of Law

Rebecca Bratspies | August 13, 2009

Paterson’s Executive Order: Win for Industry, Loss for Public Health and Safety

This is one of two posts today by CPR member scholars evaluating NY Gov. David Paterson's recent executive order on regulations; see also Sid Shapiro's post, "New York Governor Channels Ronald Reagan: Governor Paterson’s Flawed Plan to Review Regulations." It is open season on environmental, health, and safety regulations in New York. Last Friday, August […]

Rebecca Bratspies | July 10, 2009

Privatize the Seas? If Only Solving Overfishing Were so Easy

In this month’s Atlantic, Gregg Easterbrook writes that privatizing the seas through use of individualized transferrable quotas (ITQs) is the solution to the grave problem of overfishing. Recently, NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco came out strongly in favor of ITQs (which the agency is calling “catch shares”), and has committed her agency to “ transitioning to […]