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Showing 136 results

Matthew Freeman

Media Consultant to CPR

Matthew Freeman | October 16, 2017

CPR’s Latest Op-Eds Take on the Assault on Our Safeguards

CPR's Member Scholars and staff have continued to appear in the nation's op-ed pages to expose the ongoing assault on our safeguards by President Trump and Congress. Among recent examples: Dan Farber's July 5 article in The Hill highlighted the many flaws in legislation introduced by Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) designed […]

Matthew Freeman | June 29, 2017

No Way to Make a Sausage

As appalling as the first five months of the Trump presidency have been to those of us who care about public policy and good government, we can’t claim to be surprised. As Hillary Clinton memorably explained to historians last summer in Philadelphia, “There is no other Donald Trump. This is it.” But what has been […]

Matthew Freeman | June 19, 2017

CPR Scholar Op-Eds Hit Assault on Our Safeguards from Trump and Congress

Four recent op-eds by CPR Member Scholars underscore the scope and danger of the current assault on our safeguards now being mounted by the president and the congressional leadership. Highlights of the most recent pieces follow, but you can always browse through all of this year’s published pieces from our scholars and staff on our […]

Matthew Freeman | May 15, 2017

CPR Scholars’ Recent Op-Eds

CPR Member Scholars continue to make their voices heard on the nation’s opinion pages. You can always review the latest and greatest pieces on our op-eds page, but here’s a roundup from the last few weeks to save you a couple clicks. Two CPR Member Scholars had pieces in The American Prospect in mid-April. Tom […]

Matthew Freeman | April 4, 2017

The GOP’s Race to Repeal

This June marks the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Midway, the great sea battle that was the turning point of the war in the Pacific. The American victory over the Japanese at Midway, a tiny atoll literally midway between California and Japan, ended the period of expansion of Japanese-held territory in the Pacific. And […]

Matthew Freeman | April 3, 2017

CPR Scholars on the Nation’s Opinion Pages

CPR Member Scholars published another bumper crop of op-eds this past month. We maintain a running list on our op-eds page, but to save CPRBlog readers a click or two, here’s a quick rundown: On March 3, David Driesen had a piece in The Hill – that’s a Washington, D.C., outlet aimed at the policy community […]

Matthew Freeman | March 6, 2017

Catching Up on CPR’s Recent Op-Edery

Unless you regularly read newspapers from markets ranging from Baltimore to Houston to the San Francisco Bay area, chances are that you missed some of the op-eds that CPR’s scholars and staff published in the nation’s newspapers in February. We post links on our website, of course; you can find them on the various issue […]

Matthew Freeman | January 25, 2017


Only a few days into the Trump administration, and a “gang that doesn’t shoot straight” narrative is taking root in the media. From outright lies about crowd numbers at the inauguration, to fictionalized accounts of millions of illegally cast votes, to hashtag-ready assertions about “alternative facts,” it’s been a rough start, and the media is […]

Matthew Freeman | December 21, 2016

The Plagiarism Caucus

My wife is a high school history teacher, and pretty much every year, she has at least one story to tell about a student lifting some significant chunk of text from a website and using it in a paper without attribution. The kids get caught by those nifty anti-plagiarism search engines teachers use, which are […]