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Showing 446 results

Nina Mendelson | November 28, 2017

More Thoughts on the CFPB Puzzle: President Trump Can Select Someone to Run the CFPB Only if the Senate Has an Opportunity to Confirm

Originally posted at Notice & Comment, a blog of the Yale Journal on Regulation and the American Bar Association Section of Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice. Reprinted with permission. On Friday, November 24, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray named Leandra English, the longtime CFPB Chief of Staff, to the post of Deputy Director. Based […]

Katie Tracy | November 20, 2017

Beyond the Dinner Table — U.S. Poultry Plant Workers at Risk

On Thanksgiving Day, families across the country will sit down for huge feasts, filling their bellies with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and lots of gravy. My mouth is watering just writing about it. In many households, it’s tradition for each person at the table to say what they’re thankful for and express their appreciation for […]

Katie Tracy | November 2, 2017

Questions for Scott Mugno, Trump’s Pick to Lead OSHA

Scott Mugno, Vice President for Safety, Sustainability, and Vehicle Maintenance at Fed Ex Ground in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is President Trump's pick to head the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Although whispers of Mugno's possible nomination had spread across Washington, D.C., over the past several months, not much has been said about his credentials for […]

Katie Tracy | October 30, 2017

CPR Launches New Database on State Prosecutions of Crimes against Workers

Too often, workplace injuries and deaths result from company policies and practices that encourage and reward unacceptably risky behavior under the false pretense that cutting corners is standard practice and no one will get hurt. As a result, an average of 13 Americans are killed on the job every day, and many more are seriously […]

Katie Tracy | September 15, 2017

No Job and No Paycheck After Harvey and Irma

In the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, thousands of Texans and Floridians are out of work, some indefinitely. Without knowing when their employers might reopen for business (if at all) , many are uncertain how they’re going to afford their next meal or purchase basic necessities, much less repair their damaged homes and property. […]

Katie Tracy | July 24, 2017

Is OSHA Out of the Worker Protection Business?

When President Trump released his spring Unified Agenda last week, he made it abundantly clear that he has no interest in protecting workers from occupational injuries and diseases. The White House released the agenda amid what it called “Made in America” week, but instead of recognizing workers and advocating for safe and healthy jobs and […]

Katie Tracy | July 21, 2017

OSHA to Expand Voluntary Protection Programs without Assessing Benefits to Workers

On Monday, July 17, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) convened a public meeting to hear input from stakeholders about how the agency might grow and strengthen its Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP). Given the change in administration, the announcement was no surprise.  Growing the VPP had also been a priority of the George W. […]

Katie Tracy | May 26, 2017

Trump Budget Would Rob Public Programs to Give Money to Private Corporations

President Trump’s FY 2018 budget request may be DOA in Congress, but it nonetheless offers critical insight into how he expects to pay for his border wall, increase defense spending, offer up a trillion-dollar infrastructure plan, and carry out his other pet projects, all while cutting corporate taxes. The bottom line is that he intends […]

Katie Tracy | April 26, 2017

Workers’ Memorial Day: Honoring Fallen Workers, Fighting for Safer Jobs

Every worker has a right to a safe job. Yet on an average day of the week, 13 U.S. workers die on the job due to unsafe working conditions. An additional 137 lives are lost daily due to occupational diseases – mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis, among others.  On Friday – Workers’ Memorial Day – we […]