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Rena Steinzor | April 6, 2012

The Age of Greed: Regulatory Look-Back In Action — Speeding Up the Line and Endangering Workers at Poultry Processing Plants

The White House’s Cass Sunstein has found another poster child for his crusade to eliminate costly regulation under President Obama’s Executive Order 13563.  The order requires agencies and departments to “look back” at existing requirements in order to kill unnecessary health, safety, and environmental requirements.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), complying dutifully with the […]

Thomas McGarity | April 5, 2012

Two Years After Upper Big Branch Disaster, Where Are the Reforms?

Congress usually enacts new public protections following a major crisis or series of crises that focus attention on the failure of existing laws to protect the public or the environment from abuses by companies pursuing economic gain.  Most of the protective regulatory programs of the Progressive Era, the New Deal, and the Public Interest Era […]

Aimee Simpson | April 4, 2012

FDA’s ‘Wait and See’ Approach to BPA Not Acceptable — and Not the Only Option

Last Friday, the FDA denied the Natural Resources Defense Council’s (NRDC) citizen petition requesting that the agency ban Bisphenol A (BPA) as an approved food additive and food contact substance.  The agency took nearly three years to issue this decision, and did so only under a court’s order. The FDA’s denial of the petition was […]

Ben Somberg | April 2, 2012

Member Scholars Write to EPA Concerning Slow Consideration of Citizen Environmental Complaints in NAFTA Countries

When the United States signed NAFTA, it also signed the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), which allows, among other things, for citizens to submit complaints to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) with claims that their own governments are failing to enforce environmental laws. That key provision is in danger, a group of […]

Alice Kaswan | March 28, 2012

Greenhouse Gas Standards for New Power Plants: Glass Half-Full and Half-Empty

With congressional action on climate change at a standstill, EPA’s new source performance standards (NSPSs) for greenhouse gases (GHGs) from new power plants should be applauded.  As required by the Clean Air Act, the agency is doggedly moving forward to establish emission standards for GHGs, air pollutants that unquestionably endanger human health and welfare. EPA […]

Holly Doremus | March 26, 2012

Court Skeptical of EPA’s Section 404 Role Overturns Mine Veto

Cross-posted from Legal Planet. Regular readers of this blog know that on January 13, 2011, EPA vetoed a Clean Water Act section 404 permit issued by the Corp of Engineers for valley fill at the Spruce No. 1 mountaintop removal mine project in West Virginia. This was only the 13th time EPA had used its […]

Joel A. Mintz | March 24, 2012

After Sackett: What Next for Administrative Compliance Orders?

Earlier this week, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its much-anticipated decision in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency. In a unanimous decision–key features of which are summarized in a thoughtful post by Nina Mendelson–the Court held that the plaintiff landowner had a right to challenge the Clean Water Act administrative compliance order (ACO) which EPA […]

Nina Mendelson | March 21, 2012

SCOTUS Decision in Sackett v. EPA Weakens Government’s Ability to Respond to Urgent Threats to Water Quality

In the Sackett v. EPA decision today, the Supreme Court rejected a broad argument that the Sacketts’ constitutional due process rights had been violated when they could not go to court immediately to challenge an EPA order requiring them to remove fill and replant vegetation on their property. But the Court did hold that under the […]

Sidney A. Shapiro | March 20, 2012

Limiting the Rights of Medical Malpractice Victims: House GOP Leaders Make a Bad Idea Worse

House GOP leaders may vote as early as this week on legislation that would eliminate the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), a cost-saving measure that was established as part of the national health care reform Congress passed in 2010.  House leaders have also attached national restrictions on the right of patients to recover damages for […]