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Showing 18 results

Two men installing solar panels

Alice Kaswan, Catalina Gonzalez | April 20, 2023

Delivering Environmental and Climate Justice Block Grants to Communities in Need

The landmark Inflation Reduction Act gave the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) $3 billion to fund a wide range of pollution reduction, clean energy, and climate resilience measures in the nation’s most marginalized communities. At issue now is how the agency will allocate the funds to eligible communities and projects.

air pollution

Catalina Gonzalez | December 13, 2022

California Agency to Vote on Climate Change Plan

After a year and a half of work, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) is poised to vote on an updated statewide climate plan. The final draft of the plan incorporates ambitious targets for achieving carbon neutrality by 2045, which were updated in September to reflect new legislation and Governor Gavin Newsom’s push for stronger action.

California state capitol building

Catalina Gonzalez | October 12, 2022

In California, New Climate Targets Become Law

This is the third post in a three-part series on recent efforts to place justice and equity at the center of California’s climate plans. Read the first  and second  posts. California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and champions of environmental justice in the state legislature and advocacy community are cheering the recent passage of a series of new laws that […]

A California neighborhood set in hills

Catalina Gonzalez | October 11, 2022

Environmental Justice Advocates Call for Stronger Climate Protections for Impacted California Communities

This is the second post in a three-part series on recent efforts to place justice and equity at the center of California’s climate plans. The first post and third post are also available on our blog. Environmental justice advocates are calling on California regulators to strengthen protections for underserved and overburdened communities — which are disproportionately […]

California State Capitol Building

Catalina Gonzalez | October 10, 2022

California Agency Strengthens Decarbonization Plan 

This is the first post in a three-part series on recent efforts to place justice and equity at the center of California’s climate plans. Part II and Part III will run October 11 and 12. In a major victory for climate justice, California regulators recently announced significant improvements to the statewide plan, the AB32 2022 Scoping Plan Update, to […]

Alice Kaswan | July 7, 2022

Center for Progressive Reform Comments to California: Adopt More Ambitious Carbon Neutrality Plan

The Center for Progressive Reform has joined close to 1,000 organizations and individuals in providing comments on California's long-awaited plan for achieving carbon neutrality, the Draft 2022 Scoping Plan Update (Draft Plan). Gov. Gavin Newsom gave the California Air Resources Board (CARB), the state agency tasked with coordinating the plan, a daunting challenge: achieving carbon neutrality by 2045 at the latest. Our comments conclude that the state should (1) be more ambitious, (2) more explicitly achieve multiple objectives, including environmental justice, and (3) develop a supplemental plan that more specifically outlines the policy tools the state will employ to achieve its objectives.

Catalina Gonzalez | June 22, 2022

Addressing Overburdened, Underserved Communities’ Priorities Is Vital to Success of California Climate Plan

On June 23, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) will hold its first public hearing on its draft plan (the Draft 2022 Scoping Plan) for achieving the state's climate goals and for getting to carbon neutrality no later than 2045. Including actions that prioritize California's overburdened and underserved communities will be vital to the success of the proposed plan.

Alice Kaswan | June 22, 2022

Mapping the Future: California Weighs Pathways to Carbon Neutrality

On June 23, California's Air Resources Board (CARB) -- the state's air pollution control agency -- is holding a public hearing on its comprehensive roadmap for achieving the state's daunting climate goal: carbon neutrality by 2045 at the latest, a goal established by Gov. Gavin Newsom in a 2018 executive order. Although states are increasingly adopting 100 percent clean electricity targets, California's goal goes considerably farther, covering emissions from the entire economy, including transportation, industry, buildings, waste disposal, and agriculture.

Catalina Gonzalez | March 16, 2022

Climate Justice Must Factor into California’s Climate Strategy

State officials in California are leading an extensive multisector planning effort to develop the 2022 Scoping Plan, the third update to California’s climate mitigation strategy. The new plan will outline a pathway for statewide action toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 and reaching net-zero emissions no later than 2045.