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Showing 14 results

Hannah Wiseman

Professor of Law

Hannah Wiseman | October 17, 2017

The Pull of Energy Markets — and Legal Challenges — Will Blunt Plans to Roll Back EPA Carbon Rules

Professor Hari Osofsky of Pennsylvania State University co-authored this article with Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar and Florida State University College of Law Professor Hannah Wiseman. It originally appeared in The Conversation on October 13, 2017. On Oct. 10, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt formally announced a repeal of the Clean Power Plan, regulation intended to curb greenhouse […]

Hannah Wiseman | July 26, 2017

Trump’s Unified Agenda: Sending the Energy Sector Back to the Dark Ages

President Trump’s first Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions, released last week, aims to cut regulations across the board, but the broad swath of energy programs and regulations under the ax is particularly notable. The U.S. energy sector, finally catching up with the rest of the world, has modernized by leaps and bounds in […]

Hannah Wiseman | July 13, 2016

The Clean Power Plan: Achieving Clean Air Act Goals with Flexibility and Cleaner Energy

When Congress extensively amended the Clean Air Act in 1970 to form the air pollution laws that we know today, it spoke in no uncertain terms about the breadth of federal authority in this area while also centrally involving states in the effort to clean up the nation’s air. Congress directed the EPA Administrator to […]

Hannah Wiseman | June 22, 2016

Federal District Court: Feds May Not Regulate Fracking on Federal Lands

In a merits opinion issued on June 21, 2016, the U.S. District Court for the District of Wyoming (Judge Skavdahl) held that the U.S. Bureau of Land Management–the agency tasked with protecting and preserving federal lands for multiple uses by the public–lacks the authority to regulate hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) on federally-owned and managed lands. Using a Chevron step 1 […]

Hannah Wiseman | June 7, 2016

Local Governments’ Lost Voice in Energy Decisions

The Colorado Supreme Court’s decisions last month holding that local governments in Colorado could not ban or place long-term moratoria on hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) added to the growing list of states that have preempted local control over this oil and gas production method. This is a troublesome trend and one that calls for closer scrutiny […]