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Showing 11 results

David Hunter

Professor of Law

David Hunter | December 15, 2009

In Copenhagen, Progress on Financial Pledges Limited; Draft Document Punts Details to COP-16

Although virtually all of the attention regarding Copenhagen in the United States focuses on mitigation targets, in the developing world a primary focus of any environmental agreement is on the scale, sources and governance of any financial resources being made available. This is particularly true in Copenhagen, where the Global South has demanded upwards of […]

David Hunter | December 11, 2009

(Re)Defining Success at Copenhagen: Here’s What I’ll be Looking For

As the first week of formal negotiations at the Copenhagen Climate Summit comes to a close, the United States and China are exchanging barbs and little progress is being made … but behind the scene many negotiators remain confident that at least some form of a political agreement can be reached that will move global […]