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Showing 55 results

Thomas McGarity

CPR Member Scholar; Endowed Chair in Admin. Law

Thomas McGarity | July 30, 2018

American Prospect Commentary: Judge Kavanaugh’s Deregulatory Agenda

This commentary was originally published by The American Prospect.  Most of us take for granted the federal regulations that make our air cleaner, our drinking water purer, our food, highways, and workplaces safer, and our economic transactions less vulnerable to fraud and abuse. And few of us realize the extent to which those protections are […]

Thomas McGarity | July 13, 2017

With Final Forced Arbitration Rule, the CFPB Continues to Advance the Public Interest

Earlier this week, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) took decisive action to protect hardworking people who are cheated by banks or other financial institutions. Specifically, the federal agency issued a rule limiting what are known as “forced arbitration” agreements in the contracts we must all sign when we open a bank account or purchase […]

Thomas McGarity | November 22, 2016

The Assault on Our Safeguards

We are about to experience a fifth major assault on the health, safety, environmental, and consumer protections that Congress put in place during the 1960s and 1970s, protections that most of us take for granted. And all indications are that this assault will be more intense and more comprehensive than any of the prior assaults […]

Thomas McGarity | January 13, 2016

President Obama’s Progressive Vision for the Future

President Obama devoted his final state-of-the-union speech to highlighting his administration’s considerable accomplishments, and, more importantly, to articulating a surprisingly robust progressive vision for the future. And that vision properly included a large role for federal regulation.  Noting that “reckless Wall Street,” not food stamp recipients, caused the financial meltdown of 2008-09, the President predicted, […]

Thomas McGarity | October 1, 2015

CPR’s McGarity Responds to EPA’s New Ozone Standard

The new primary ozone standard of 70 parts per billion (ppb) is definitely a step in the right direction, but it has taken EPA far too long to make this much-needed change. We should not forget, however, that EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson sent a proposed standard of 65 ppb to the White House in August […]

Thomas McGarity | September 14, 2015

FDA’s New Regulations for Food Processors: The Devil is in the Implementation

At long last, the Food and Drug Administration has promulgated two critical regulations implementing the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011 (FSMA).  The regulations flesh out the statute’s requirements for facilities that process human food and animal feed.  Of the regulations that FDA has proposed in order to implement the FSMA, these are perhaps the […]

Thomas McGarity | August 26, 2015

Hurricane Katrina and the Perversity Thesis

In Albert O. Hirschman’s brilliant analysis of conservative responses to progressive social programs entitled The Rhetoric of Reaction, he identifies and critiques three reactionary narratives that conservatives use to critique governmental programs — the futility thesis; the jeopardy thesis; and the perversity thesis. The futility thesis posits that governmental attempts to cure social ills or […]

Thomas McGarity | June 30, 2015

The Supreme Court Gives Power Plants a Mercury Break

Yesterday, the Supreme Court in Michigan v. EPA threw out EPA’s regulations protecting the American public from mercury and other hazardous emissions of power plants. In another instance of judicial activism by the Roberts court, the majority refused to defer to EPA’s decision to ignore costs in deciding whether to regulate power plant emissions. The […]

Thomas McGarity | June 29, 2015

Supreme Court’s Judicial Activism Leaves Americans Vulnerable to Mercury Pollution

In a sweeping display of judicial activism the Supreme Court has made it much harder for the EPA to protect Americans from the dangers of exposure to mercury emissions. The Supreme Court today tossed out EPA’s regulations protecting the American public from mercury and other hazardous emissions of power plants.  Justice Scalia refused to defer […]