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Showing 15 results

Celeste Monforton

Assistant Research Professor

Celeste Monforton | October 14, 2010

MSHA Takes Bold Step to End Black Lung Disease, Proposes Tough New Regulation

Cross-posted from The Pump Handle. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis and MSHA asst. secretary Joe Main are proposing new rules to protect U.S. coal mine workers from developing illnesses related to exposure to respirable coal mine dust. The most commonly known adverse health effect is black lung disease, but exposure is also associated with excess risk […]

Celeste Monforton | September 28, 2010

Obama’s Reg Czar Feigns Transparency, Worker Safety Rules in Crosshairs

Cross-posted from The Pump Handle. Is anybody else getting tired of hearing Obama Administration officials say “sunlight is the best disinfectant?” It was uttered again on Thursday (9/23) when the President’s regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein, was speaking at an event hosted by the Small Business Administration. His speech was loaded with all the transparency catch […]

Celeste Monforton | September 22, 2010

MSHA Issues Emergency Rule to Prevent Coal Dust Explosions

Cross posted from The Pump Handle. MSHA announced Tuesday that it will be issuing on September 23 an emergency temporary standard (ETS) to improve a practice to prevent coal dust explosions. The rule addresses “rock dusting”–the decades old practice of generously applying pulverized limestone dust throughout a coal mine to dilute the potential power of […]

Celeste Monforton | July 2, 2010

New Worker Safety Bill Introduced in House, Protects Whisleblowers, Targets Bad Actors

Cross-posted from The Pump Handle. Cong. George Miller (D-CA) is a man of tough talk and swift action. Today, along with 15 other House members, he introduced H.R. 5663 a bill to upgrade provisions of our nation’s key federal workplace health and safety laws. Every year, tens of thousands of workers are killed or made […]

Celeste Monforton | May 5, 2010

Perplexed by OSHA’s Latest Reg Agenda

Cross-posted from The Pump Handle. Beginning in December 2006, I’ve written five blog post commenting on the content of the Department of Labor’s (DOL) regulatory agenda for worker health and safety rulemakings.  Most of my posts see links below have criticized the Labor Secretary and senior OSHA and MSHA staff for failing to offer a bold vision for progressive worker […]

Celeste Monforton | April 12, 2010

MSHA’s Band-Aid Approach Turns Deadly

Cross-posted from The Pump Handle. Last month, the US Dept of Labor (DOL) and MSHA were celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Coal Mine Health and Safety Act.  Their proclamations said: “…this law represents a watershed moment in the improvement of occupational health and safety in the United States. It was the precursor to the […]