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Showing 64 results

Yee Huang

Policy Analyst

Yee Huang | February 1, 2011

Location, Location, Location: Assisted Migration May be Coming Closer to a Reality as a Response to Climate Change

a(broad) perspective While discussion of adapting to climate change is finally beginning to take off in the United States, other governments from Bangladesh to the Netherlands have already laid the foundation to develop concrete policies and implement strategies to address the impacts. Last week, a report released by the UK’s Environment Agency specifically identified relocation of […]

Yee Huang | December 30, 2010

An Environmentally Disastrous Year

a(broad) perspective In 2010, natural (and unnatural) environmental disasters around the world killed hundreds of thousands of people, displaced millions more, and caused significant air and water pollution as well as human health catastrophes. Insurance giant Swiss Re estimated that these disasters caused an estimated $222 billion in losses. Disasters are overwhelming to begin with, but for […]

Yee Huang | December 29, 2010

EPA’s TMDL for the Chesapeake: One Giant Step Toward a Restored Bay

Today EPA released the final Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), which is a cap or limit on the total amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment that can enter the Bay from the District of Columbia and the six Bay Watershed states: Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. The Bay TMDL culminates […]

Yee Huang | December 28, 2010

The 111th Congress and the Chesapeake Bay

The 111th Congress saw two attempts to provide legislative impetus to restore the Chesapeake Bay.  Now that the lame duck session has ended, the results are in: The Chesapeake Clean Water and Ecosystem Protection Act, S. 1816.  Introduced in October 2009 by Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), the bill would have reiterated EPA’s authority to establish […]

Yee Huang | December 28, 2010

EPA to Issue Bay TMDL Wednesday, 12/29

Tomorrow, the Environmental Protection Agency will issue its final Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the Chesapeake Bay, setting a pollution cap for the Bay that is comprised of 92 individual caps for each of the tributary segments that flow into the Bay.  The Bay TMDL represents another important milestone in the long-running effort to […]

Yee Huang | December 3, 2010

Maryland Submits Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Plan; Here’s A First Look

Maryland submitted its final Phase I Watershed Implementation Plan for Chesapeake Bay restoration this afternoon. It’s the strongest blueprint of any of the states, and if implemented and funded sufficiently would allow Maryland to achieve its needed share of pollutant reductions. Maryland has pledged to implement, by 2017, the pollutant controls necessary to achieve 70% […]

Yee Huang | December 2, 2010

Double Duty: Will the Montreal Protocol Some Day be Used to Combat Climate Change?

a(broad) perspective In 1974, atmospheric scientists discovered that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were causing the alarming depletion of the protective ozone layer that shields all life on Earth from the harmful ultra-violet radiation from the sun. These CFCs were present as propellants in aerosol cans and also used as refrigerants. The global scientific consensus and the severity of ozone […]

Yee Huang | November 30, 2010

Most Chesapeake Bay Watershed States Submit Cleanup Plans; A First Look at Virginia’s

Yesterday was the deadline for Bay states and the District of Columbia to submit their final Phase I Watershed Implementation Plans (WIP). These WIPs are roadmaps that describe how Bay jurisdictions will meet their pollutant reduction obligations under the Bay TMDL. Delaware, the District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia submitted their plans by the deadline, […]

Yee Huang | November 4, 2010

CPR Submits Comments to States on Chesapeake Bay Restoration Plans

Today CPR President Rena Steinzor and I submitted comments to EPA and each Chesapeake Bay Watershed jurisdiction regarding their draft Phase I Watershed Implementation Plans. The states, we find, need to improve their plans significantly. After more than 20 years of haplessly stumbling toward restoration, often in fits and starts, EPA and the Bay jurisdictions—Delaware, […]