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Ben Somberg

Media Manager

Ben Somberg | June 25, 2009

Running the Cost-Benefit Analysis on the Metro Crash?

What was the cost, in dollar terms, of the nine lives lost in the DC Metro crash on Monday? And how does that compare to what the cost would have been to prevent the accident, or lessen the severity of it? Should we do a cost-benefit analysis to determine the best policy? Edward Tenner's post […]

Ben Somberg | June 19, 2009

The Heartland Institute’s Shifting Statements

Andrew Freedman of’s Capital Weather Gang has a nifty catch: the Heartland Institute, the people cluttering up my newspaper this week with climate-change-denying ads, have officially changed tack on their lobbying policy. Back in March, the group told Freedman: “Our purpose is to bring scientists, economists, and policy experts together to address issues overlooked […]

Ben Somberg | June 18, 2009

Saving the Chesapeake Bay: Time to Hold the States Accountable

Today CPR releases Reauthorizing the Chesapeake Bay Program: Exchanging Promises for Results (press release, full report). For years, the jurisdictions within the Chesapeake Bay watershed (the states and Washington D.C.) have essentially not faced consequences for failing to meet pollution-reduction targets. It’s not surprising that the Chesapeake Bay has languished. What the new CPR report […]

Ben Somberg | June 4, 2009

FDA to Release New Decision on BPA Within ‘Weeks’

On Tuesday, Representatives Henry Waxman and Bart Stupak sent a letter to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg asking the agency to re-examine its assessment that bisphenol A (BPA) does not pose health risks to consumers. The FDA responded that it was already planning on doing so, and that a new decision would be released within “weeks, […]

Ben Somberg | June 2, 2009

The BPA Backlash

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported on Saturday, and the Washington Post on Sunday, about a meeting of industry groups in Washington last week to devise a plan to respond to criticisms of Bisphenol A (BPA). From the Post: Manufacturers of cans for beverages and foods and some of their biggest customers, including Coca-Cola, are trying to […]

Ben Somberg | May 15, 2009

O’Neill Testifies on Mercury From Chlor-Alkali Plants

On Tuesday, CPR Member Scholar Catherine O’Neill testified about mercury pollution from chlor-alkali plants at a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection. At least one in ten women of childbearing age in the United States has blood levels of mercury that threaten the neurological health of […]

Ben Somberg | May 14, 2009

CPR Submits Comments to White House on Science Integrity Initiative

CPR President Rena Steinzor and Policy Analyst Matt Shudtz submitted formal comments this week to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) with policy recommendations for separating science from politics. Back on March 9, President Obama issued a memorandum on scientific integrity, which outlined broad principles on the subject and requested that […]

Ben Somberg | May 12, 2009

Catherine O’Neill and Amy Sinden pen op-ed in Philadelphia Inquirer on Sunstein Nomination

With Cass Sunstein’s confirmation hearing for “regulatory czar” set for today, CPR Member Scholars Catherine O’Neill and Amy Sinden have an op-ed on the subject in this morning’s Philadelphia Inquirer — “The cost-benefit dodge.” They write:  Beginning in the Reagan administration, any regulation with a significant impact has had to pass through Information and Regulatory […]

Ben Somberg | May 6, 2009

Secretary Salazar to Appear on The Daily Show

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar will mix it up with Jon Stewart on the Daily Show tomorrow (Thursday) night. reports: Interior spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff told CNN that Salazar is looking forward to talking about “his work implementing President Obama’s vision for building a clean energy economy and his efforts to protect America’s treasured landscapes. Time […]