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Showing 1,439 results

Victor Flatt | April 27, 2009

Proposed Amendments to Waxman-Markey Could Diminish Integrity of Offset Provisions

Two weeks ago, Representatives Waxman and Markey put forth a 648-page legislative draft for dealing with climate change. That draft had proposals for the use of offsets, some good and some not so good (see my earlier post). Moderate and conservative Democrats on the Energy and Commerce Committee have now put forward suggested changes (as […]

Frank Ackerman | April 23, 2009

A Day at the Waxman-Markey Hearings

It must be worthwhile; at least, I keep doing it. Wednesday was the third time in the last eight months that I’ve testified before a House committee about the costs of inaction on climate change, a topic I study at the Stockholm Environment Institute-US Center, a research institute affiliated with Tufts University in Boston. The […]

Holly Doremus | April 22, 2009

What’s new on the Delta?

This item is cross-posted by permission from Legal Planet. Quite a bit, and most of the news is bad. American Rivers has declared the Sacramento-San Joaquin the most endangered river in the United States. The longfin smelt has been listed as threatened by the state, but it is not going to be federally listed, at […]

Daniel Farber | April 21, 2009

Climate Change Legislation: Is the Train (Finally) Leaving the Station?

On Sunday, John Boehner, the House Republican leader, explained his view of climate changeto George Stephanopoulos: “George, the idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen, that it’s harmful to our environment is almost comical. Every time we exhale, we exhale carbon dioxide. Every cow in the world, uh, well, you know when they do what […]

Shana Campbell Jones | April 20, 2009

Poisoned Waters: A Frontline Presentation You Don’t Want to Miss

Tomorrow, Tuesday, Frontline will air Poisoned Waters, a two-hour documentary on the continuing pollution of American waterways (9pm on many PBS stations; check your local listings). Having seen part of the program, I recommend it. Watching a bulldozer move chicken manure – much of which will end up in the Chesapeake Bay – and seeing […]

Daniel Farber | April 17, 2009

A Long-Overdue Step: EPA Adresses Climate Change

Today, EPA gave notice that it intends to regulate greenhouse gases under the federal Clean Air Act. Technically, the notice is a proposed finding that greenhouse gases endanger public health. When it becomes final after EPA has had a chance to consider public comments, this finding will trigger other regulatory requirements that will move the […]

Daniel Farber | April 17, 2009

Climate Change and Environmental Impact Statements

As ClimateWire reported (available via the other week, government agencies are struggling with how to fit climate change into the process of environmental review (such as for licensing energy facilities or expanding offshore oil drilling). At one level, this is a no-brainer. Greenhouse gases contribute to climate change, and climate change is the biggest […]

Yee Huang | April 13, 2009

Water Buffaloes Ready to Charge… Over the Rain?

A recent article in the Los Angeles Times described the latest absurdity in the never-ending search to quench the thirst for water: ownership of rainwater and, more precisely, the illegality of rainwater harvesting.  Residents and communities in parts of Colorado are turning to this ancient practice of collecting and storing rain to fulfill their domestic […]

William Buzbee | April 10, 2009

Waxman-Markey: Federalism Battles

On Tuesday, March 31, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Rep. Edward Markey (D-MA) released a “discussion draft” of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 — a climate change bill that will serve as the starting point for long-delayed congressional action on the world’s most pressing environmental program. […]