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Matt Shudtz

Executive Director

Matt Shudtz | December 1, 2009

FDA Needs More Time for its Report on BPA

Yesterday came and went with no announcement from the FDA on the safety of BPA in food packaging. The agency had created a self-imposed November 30 deadline for releasing a new finding, and in the intervening months, a number of new studies on the health effects of BPA have been released and FDA has brought […]

Matt Shudtz | October 22, 2009

IRIS Update: EPA Announces New Program to Revise Old Chemical Profiles

In Wednesday’s Federal Register, EPA unveiled a new, streamlined process through which agency scientists will systematically review old chemical profiles in the IRIS database and update them with the latest toxicological information. With everything from Clean Air Act residual risk determinations about hazardous air pollutants to Superfund site cleanup standards to Safe Drinking Water Act […]

Matt Shudtz | October 20, 2009

Sunstein Watch: OMB Meddling on Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program Means Shifting a Key Burden From Industry to EPA

Greenwire and the Los Angeles Times ran pieces last week shining a light into a dark corner where staff at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs once again meddled in scientific regulatory programs where they do not belong, second-guessing EPA’s administration of the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP). The program, mandated by Congress under […]

Matt Shudtz | September 14, 2009

New Research on Radioactive Granite, and OSHA’s Response

Granite, like most natural stones, contains radioactive material. While this isn’t much of a concern for a person who spends a few hours in a kitchen with granite countertops every day, new research by David Bernhardt, Linda Kincaid, and Al Gerhart suggests that the workers who fabricate those countertops might have reason to worry. When […]

Matt Shudtz | August 31, 2009

New EPA White Paper on Probabilistic Risk Assessment

Earlier this month, EPA released for public comment a new white paper on probabilistic risk assessment, marking the Obama Administration’s first major foray into the contentious debate about EPA’s evolving risk assessment methods. Back in May, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson announced changes to the way the Office of Research and Development (ORD) will update risk […]

Matt Shudtz | August 19, 2009

Update on BPA and the FDA

On Monday, the big news out of FDA was the announcement that they’re going to publish a new assessment of the risks posed by BPA in food packaging, due out by the end of November. Jesse Goodman, FDA’s Chief Scientist, made the announcement at a meeting of the agency’s Science Board, which also heard two […]

Matt Shudtz | August 5, 2009

Thoughts on Tuesday’s Senate Hearing on Preemption

Following up on Ben’s post about Tuesday’s Senate HELP Committee hearing on medical device preemption, I’d like to respond to three issues that came up during the question-and-answer session. Innovation: Senators Harkin and Hatch had a bit of a disagreement about whether the possibility of tort liability stifles innovation by medical device firms. Peter Barton […]

Matt Shudtz | July 28, 2009

Thoughts on EPA’s Decision to Reconsider Lead Monitoring Requirements

Last Thursday, EPA announced (pdf) that they would reconsider a rule on monitoring lead in the air that was published in the waning days of the Bush Administration. I wrote about the original announcement, criticizing EPA for turning its back on children in neighborhoods like mine, where certain sources of airborne lead wouldn’t be monitored […]

Matt Shudtz | July 24, 2009

Get the Lead Out

The Bush Administration’s anti-regulatory henchmen in the Office of Management and Budget are at it again – fighting to keep EPA and state environmental agencies in the dark about how much pollution is being emitted into the air.   On October 16, EPA announced that it was slashing the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for […]