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Showing 136 results

Matthew Freeman

Media Consultant to CPR

Matthew Freeman | April 7, 2010

Massey’s Don Blankenship is No Average Global Warming Denier; He’s Also Operating an Unsafe Coal Mine

About a year ago in this space, I wrote a piece taking the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to task for its unhinged reaction to the Environmental Protection Agency’s then-nascent efforts to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. As an example of the bombast, I included a link to a speech made by Chamber board member Don Blankenship, head […]

Matthew Freeman | March 2, 2010

The Empire Strikes Back

Ordinarily, if an organization with the word “recycling” in its name said unkind things about the Center for Progressive Reform, I’d worry. But the other week, we got dinged by a newly launched outfit called “Citizens for Recycling First,” and I’m thinking it’s a badge of honor. Before proceeding, let’s dwell for a moment on the […]

Matthew Freeman | February 23, 2010

CPR Eye on OIRA: Transparency and Scrutiny for OIRA

The Obama Administration struck a blow for transparency last week with the launch of an online dashboard allowing users to keep track of what the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs is working on. Good for OIRA for making such information so readily available. CPR plans to put it to good use.  This month we […]

Matthew Freeman | December 12, 2009



Matthew Freeman | December 12, 2009

Steinzor in The Hill: Debunking the Anti-Regulatory’s Case on Over-Regulation

CPR President Rena Steinzor had an op-ed in The Hill yesterday, dismantling right wing arguments about “excessive” regulation, and shaming the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs for sitting on rules long past their required deadlines. Noting just some of the now-taken-for-granted results of safeguards that were regulated into existence — things like clean […]

Matthew Freeman | December 12, 2009

Food, Inc. Airs on PBS; Put Your Hands on the Table and Step Away from the Hamburger

The tagline that the producers of Food, Inc. are using to promote their Academy Award-winning documentary is “You’ll never look at dinner the same way.” They’re quite right. The film airs on many PBS stations this evening (and on others throughout the course of the next week). See for yourself.   I came to it expecting that I’d […]

Matthew Freeman | November 10, 2009

Pressing the Button

New in movie theaters this past weekend was a horror flick called, “The Box,” starring Cameron Diaz and James Marsden as a couple given a disturbing choice. They are presented with a mysterious box, equipped with a button. If they press the button, they’ll get $1 million, but someone they do not know will die. […]

Matthew Freeman | November 2, 2009

‘Bending Science’ Wins Prestigious Award

A little bragging is in order this morning. Last week, CPR Member Scholars Tom McGarity and Wendy Wagner won the University of Texas’s Hamilton Book Author Award for their book, Bending Science: How Special Interests Corrupt Public Health Research. The award is given to the author(s) of what is judged the best book by University of Texas […]

Matthew Freeman | October 30, 2009

New CPR Papers on Dysfunctional Regulatory Agencies, Costs of Delayed Regulations, and Moving Beyond Cost-Benefit Analysis

One of the great political communications successes of the past 30 years has been the right wing’s relentless assault on the American regulatory system. Think of the words and images that have come to be associated with “regulation” in that time: red tape, bureaucrats, green eye shades, piles of paper stretching to the ceiling, and more. And the […]