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Showing 2,807 results

Thomas McGarity | July 13, 2017

With Final Forced Arbitration Rule, the CFPB Continues to Advance the Public Interest

Earlier this week, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) took decisive action to protect hardworking people who are cheated by banks or other financial institutions. Specifically, the federal agency issued a rule limiting what are known as “forced arbitration” agreements in the contracts we must all sign when we open a bank account or purchase […]

Joel A. Mintz | July 11, 2017

Trump’s EPA Budget Plan Would Harm Many Everyday Americans

Imagine that a hostile foreign power covertly manipulated our democracy and government to impose on Florida and other coastal states heightened risks of catastrophic sea level rise and an intensification of hurricanes, floods, droughts, and diseases carried by insects and parasites. Suppose, too, that the same foreign government then set about to demolish the work […]

Amro Ali | July 6, 2017

Combating Climate Change and Health Risks through a Carbon Fee

No one is safe from the effects of climate change. That’s the key takeaway from a March report by nearly a dozen highly respected medical organizations that studied the link between climate change and risks to our health. And these aren’t far-off impacts or theoretical dangers: human-driven climate change is already making people sick. Here’s […]

James Goodwin | July 6, 2017

Trump’s ‘Small Business’ Office Solicits Update for Anti-Safeguards Propaganda

Late last Thursday, the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Office of Advocacy announced that it was soliciting proposals for “small business research” projects. The solicitation – and particularly the category of topics that the SBA Office of Advocacy has selected for potential research projects – offers one of the first clues on how this obscure but […]

Robert L. Glicksman | July 5, 2017

Murr v. Wisconsin: The ‘Whole Parcel’ Rule Prevails, At Least in This Regulatory Takings Case

Originally published by the George Washington Law Review How should a court assessing a regulatory takings claim define the “property” allegedly taken to assess the degree of the economic impact the regulation has on it? That question has plagued the Supreme Court for nearly a century, with different and conflicting answers emerging, sometimes in relatively rapid […]

James Goodwin | June 29, 2017

The Most Important Revolving Door You’ve Never Heard Of

Earlier this week, Axios and Greenwire ($) reported that international oil behemoth BP is bringing on a new lobbyist to work on “regulatory reform advocacy related to Federal energy and environmental rules,” as described in the required lobbying disclosure statement. That in itself is hardly news. What makes this story remarkable is who the lobbyist […]

Matthew Freeman | June 29, 2017

No Way to Make a Sausage

As appalling as the first five months of the Trump presidency have been to those of us who care about public policy and good government, we can’t claim to be surprised. As Hillary Clinton memorably explained to historians last summer in Philadelphia, “There is no other Donald Trump. This is it.” But what has been […]

Dave Owen | June 28, 2017

Repeal First, Explain Later: The Trump Administration and the Clean Water Rule

Originally published on Environmental Law Prof Blog by CPR Member Scholar Dave Owen. EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers just released a proposal to repeal the Clean Water Rule and to return to previous regulations. The Clean Water Rule (also known as the WOTUS Rule) would have clarified the scope of federal regulatory jurisdiction under the […]

Kerry Darragh | June 27, 2017

Partner Spotlight: A Conversation with Center for Progressive Reform’s Evan Isaacson

This post originally appeared on the Maryland Clean Agriculture Coalition’s website.  All month long, MCAC has been highlighting the Bay cleanup plan, also known as the Bay TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load), in order to keep track of the progress that is, or isn’t, happening within the Bay watershed to reduce pollution. We recently chatted […]