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Today, the Center for Progressive Reform is publishing a new policy brief. Missing the Mark: How North Carolina’s Decarbonization Efforts Fall Short and How to Fix Them examines the pitfalls of North Carolina’s decarbonization plan (known as the Carbon Plan and developed by Duke Energy) and alternative models to address those shortcomings.

North Carolina’s Carbon Plan process fails to meaningfully engage environmental justice communities and continues to proliferate polluting fossil fuel build-out. In turn, this disproportionately harms the same communities who are not included in decision-making.

The process can be significantly improved to ensure marginalized communities are not shut out and that climate goals are met on a timeline that recognizes the urgency of the crisis, not just globally but locally. Successful decarbonization plans in other states share many features. Drawing from Hawaii and California specifically, our brief highlights how meaningful stakeholder engagement and a higher proportion of renewable energy can meet the demands of the state’s climate goals.

What do we, our partners, and our allies specifically want to see in North Carolina’s Carbon Plan?

Read the policy brief, and if you live in North Carolina, talk to your neighbors and your elected officials about the energy future you’d like to see. You can help spread the word about this brief by liking and sharing on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.