With some fanfare, the EPA announced last week that it has selected a cleanup strategy for the Palos Verdes Shelf (PVS) Superfund Site off the coast of southern California – an area that has been termed “ the world’s largest DDT dump.” The EPA touts its plan as “a major milestone” that puts the site “on the road to remediation.” Nowhere, however, does EPA mention that this road is longer and more tortuous than it could or should have been. As I elaborated in an earlier entry, EPA’s selected remedy (its “preferred alternative”) provides for capping a much smaller area of contaminated sediment than another alternative EPA considered but rejected. Its selected remedy also delays the dates by which cleanup levels for DDTs and PCBs will be attained relative to the alternative – putting off until further in the future the time by which fish from the waters off the Palos Verdes peninsula will be safe to eat.
EPA’s press release continues in this self-congratulatory vein: “The EPA will spend more than $50 million to cap the most contaminated sediment on the shelf, as well as continue the highly effective public outreach program to protect at-risk populations from consuming contaminated fish.” The public outreach program to which EPA refers relies on fish consumption advisories that warn people to avoid or reduce their consumption of certain fish caught in the waters off the Palos Verdes peninsula. That is, it enlists a strategy, which I have termed “risk avoidance,” that asks people to alter their practices in order to protect themselves from contamination that persists in the environment. In this case, EPA and its partners have delivered this message by means of signs, brochures, and other forms of community outreach. The latest advisory recommends that everyone avoid eating white croaker, topsmelt, or barred sand bass caught in an area extending more than 30 miles from the Santa Monica pier south to the Seal Beach pier, and that, additionally, women and children should avoid barracuda or black croaker from this area. The advisory also includes less strict recommendations for a broader area of coastline, stretching more than 100 miles in total, including the entire coastlines of Los Angeles and Orange counties, and part of Ventura County.
It is unclear how the EPA can fairly describe its public outreach program as “highly effective.” Study after study has shown that fish consumption advisories frequently fail to reach or to be understood by their intended audiences. Even when these hurdles are overcome, people may decline to follow advisories’ recommendations: whether for economic, cultural, or other reasons, people may not be able to alter the way they prepare their fish or may not have the option to travel “elsewhere” to fish in less contaminated waters. The EPA is surely aware of the relevant figures. Among other things, the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC), a multi-stakeholder federal advisory body formed to advise EPA, made precisely these observations in its 2002 report Fish Consumption and Environmental Justice.
Indeed, the Fish Contamination Education Collaborative (FCEC) – a group established in part by the EPA in conjunction with the PVS cleanup – itself has arrived at similar conclusions. Based on data collected from anglers at nine locations along the coast from September, 2008 through May, 2009, 78% reported that they had not “received outreach” that had been conducted (in which volunteers reviewed the contents of a pamphlet with anglers). Moreover, fully 59% of those surveyed reported that they planned to eat the fish they caught there, even after outreach (prior to outreach, 72% intended to consume their catch).
Further, EPA’s declaration that its program is “highly effective” masks the fact that effectiveness might be defined in different ways, with quite different implications for individual and community health. Consider that, according to the FCEC survey, when people altered their practices in response to the fish consumption advisories, virtually no one had changed their fishing spots (0.5%) or changed their cleaning or cooking methods in a manner that would reduce contaminant intake (0.5%). Instead, people overwhelmingly “complied” with the advisories by shifting to “catch and release” fishing or by eliminating white croaker from their diet (89%). This finding raises the concern – again, brought to EPA’s attention by the NEJAC in 2002 – that every option will not be culturally appropriate or economically feasible for every person. For some people, then, the only way to avoid the harms of DDT and PCBs is to avoid the contaminated fish entirely. But this may mean curtailing or eliminating an ordinarily healthful component of their diet – with the loss of the significant health benefits (including those derived from omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients found in fish) that this entails. And, in these difficult economic times, to suggest they “release” the fish they catch may amount to a recommendation that they forego their next meal.
Even EPA’s claim that its outreach program “protects” at-risk populations from consuming contaminated fish” is misleading. Risk avoidance measures don’t reduce the risk or the contamination; rather, they rely on those people who are exposed to avoid the risks. When EPA enlists fish consumption advisories as a response to the contamination of the PVS that its selected remedy will leave in place, for a longer time, it in fact asks people to protect themselves. Risk avoidance is not risk reduction; the two represent quite different regulatory approaches.
While the public might reasonably debate the tradeoffs to be made between a cheaper but less thorough and expeditious cleanup, on the one hand, and a more expensive but more expansive and rapid cleanup, on the other, the EPA’s rhetoric thwarts meaningful and informed exchange. EPA’s enthusiastic press release goes too far: by misstating facts and glossing over real issues, it disserves the goals of public discourse and environmental justice.
Showing 2,862 results
Catherine O'Neill | October 16, 2009
With some fanfare, the EPA announced last week that it has selected a cleanup strategy for the Palos Verdes Shelf (PVS) Superfund Site off the coast of southern California – an area that has been termed “ the world’s largest DDT dump.” The EPA touts its plan as “a major milestone” that puts the site […]
Ben Somberg | October 15, 2009
The EPA today released a 15-page Clean Water Act Enforcement Action Plan prepared by the agency’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. Back in early July, Lisa Jackson had directed the enforcmeent office to develop a plan, and to “report back to me within 90 days with your recommendations.” The EPA seems to be saying […]
Robert L. Glicksman | October 15, 2009
Just about a month ago, the New York Times published a story in which it documented an alarming failure on the part of federal and state officials to enforce the principal federal law designed to protect the quality of the nation’s surface waters, including rivers, lakes, and streams. According to that story, fewer than three […]
Holly Doremus | October 14, 2009
This item cross-posted from Legal Planet. On Friday, the New York Times carried a story about Tim DeChristopher, the economics student in Utah who bid on federal oil and gas leases at an auction last December as a form of protest against global warming. DeChristopher was the winning bidder on 14 parcels, but admits that […]
Thomas McGarity | October 13, 2009
The debate over whether Congress should create a Consumer Financial Protection Agency, as recommended by President Obama, has recently taken a disturbing turn. Apparently, some congressional Democrats have been receptive to complaints from the big national banks that the current bill does not preempt state laws and regulations that are more stringent than the regulations […]
Ben Somberg | October 9, 2009
I thought that the Alan Carlin story — the ‘suppressed’ climate change skeptic at EPA — was over. After the initial debunkings, the story kept going, but then I thought the NYT really put it to rest in late September. Apparently not for everyone. Carlin, many have noted, is an economist at EPA, not a […]
Ben Somberg | October 9, 2009
Congratulations to CPR Member Scholar and board member Rob Verchick! Rob has been appointed to the position of Deputy Associate Administrator in the EPA’s Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation (OPEI).
Yee Huang | October 8, 2009
On September 24, arguments began in Oklahoma v. Tyson, a 2005 lawsuit filed by the Oklahoma Attorney General against poultry companies operating in the Illinois River Basin. The lawsuit alleges violations of federal environmental laws, state and federal public nuisance law, and state statutes regulating pollution of waterways. Oklahoma’s legal strategy is unique: the state […]
Nina Mendelson | October 7, 2009
This post is the fifth in a series from CPR Member Scholars examining different aspects of the Boxer-Kerry bill on climate change, which was released September 30. To expand a bit on some of what Bill Buzbee discussed in his excellent analysis of the Boxer-Kerry bill on CPRBlog, it is critical to ensure that the […]