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Is It Time To Depoliticize EPA’s Regional Administrators?

As it nears the close of its first year in office, the Obama Administration has thus far failed to name half of the regional administrators for its ten regional offices of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); and it was only on November 5th that it named those five officials. The reason for the lengthy delay in making appointments to these posts is not immediately apparent. Perhaps the Administration is anxious to avoid stirring up any political controversies regarding particular appointees, whose designation may create discontent among elements of the president’s political coalition or fodder for partisan Republican attacks. Alternatively, the Administration—which has been quite slow to fill other high posts at EPA and some other federal agencies—may simply be way behind in “vetting” all candidates for federal appointments. Yet another possibility is that Administration officials may now be too preoccupied with other pressing environmental issues to pay more attention to filling vacancies at the regional level. Whatever their cause, however, some employees in EPA’s regional offices tell me they are now beginning to view these unusually long appointment delays as a signal that the importance of their work has been minimized by the Obama Administration’s leaders--a most dysfunctional and unwelcome trend.

Beyond these short-term, intra-Agency consequences however, the continuing delays in the appointment of EPA regional administrators raise a more fundamental question: should EPA regional administrators be political appointees in the first place? In the past, these significant regional posts have often been filled by individuals who are beholden to state and local officials within the group of States that comprise their regions. While EPA regional administrators are not subject to confirmation by the U.S. Senate, presidential Administrations traditionally consult with the Senators from the states in a particular region with regard to candidates for those jobs. Individual Senators, in turn, are often influenced by the opinions of officials in State environmental agencies, entities which (in some instances) are unduly receptive to the concerns of polluting industries within their State. Without question, there have been exceptions. Nevertheless, in a number of situations, this political process has resulted in the selection of EPA regional administrators who have resisted attempts to oversee state agency performance in a robust manner, and who have been unsympathetic to pressures (from EPA headquarters and elsewhere) to enforce federal environmental laws vigorously.

An alternative to the political appointment of EPA regional administrators is the conversion of their offices to civil service positions. That approach would, I concede, give less “political heft” to these jobs, and future regional administrators might be less equipped to “check and balance” anti-environmental policies emanating from Washington, D.C. during environmentally unfriendly Administrations. At the same time however, filling regional administratorships with career civil servants would slow or end much of the politicization that has too often stifled EPA’s implementation of environmental laws at the regional level. It would encourage greater steadiness and continuity in regional office management, and it would provide additional career opportunities for EPA’s senior staff, a partial antidote to the low morale and disaffection that has plagued some very capable federal employees—within EPA and beyond—over much of the past two decades.

Depoliticizing EPA’s regional administrators will certainly not solve all of EPA’s internal woes. Nonetheless, at a time when experience, professionalism, and objectivity are more critical than ever to the achievement of the Agency’s vital mission, it seems an approach well worth trying.

Showing 2,839 results

Joel A. Mintz | November 20, 2009

Is It Time To Depoliticize EPA’s Regional Administrators?

As it nears the close of its first year in office, the Obama Administration has thus far failed to name half of the regional administrators for its ten regional offices of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); and it was only on November 5th that it named those five officials. The reason for the lengthy […]

Ben Somberg | November 19, 2009

Administration’s Announcement on Mountaintop Removal Mining — In Perspective

“Interior increases oversight of mountaintop mining” trumpets the AP, and “U.S. boosts coal mining oversight to fight pollution” says Reuters. That’s in response to an announcement from Interior on Wednesday. But on Coal Tattoo, and from NRDC and Sierra Club, one learns of a pretty different story. Says NRDC’s Rob Perks: Why in the world […]

Rena Steinzor | November 19, 2009

Sunstein Watch: OMB Says it Will Leave EDSP to the EPA Experts

On Monday, OMB Director Peter Orszag sent a letter to Rep. Ed Markey, responding to Congressman Markey’s concerns about OMB’s involvement in EPA’s Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program. Orszag’s letter — released by Markey's office Wednesday — explains, in no uncertain terms, that OMB is done meddling in EPA’s scientific determinations about endocrine-disrupting chemicals. It’s a […]

Yee Huang | November 18, 2009

Update: Judge Approves Settlement on Numeric Nutrient Criteria for Florida

A few months ago, I wrote about a landmark agreement by the EPA to set numeric, statewide nutrient pollution limits  — the first of its kind in the United States. Florida, like most states, has qualitative nutrient pollution limits, which are written in terms such as, “in no case shall nutrient concentrations of body of […]

Yee Huang | November 13, 2009

The Importance of Being Earnest: Nutrient Trading in the Chesapeake Bay

In October, Senator Ben Cardin (D.-Md.) introduced the “Chesapeake Clean Water and Ecosystem Restoration Act of 2009,” signaling the beginning of a new era of federal commitment to Bay restoration. The legislation is a tremendous step in the right direction, and it includes many elements to help make the Bay Program and the Bay-wide Total Daily […]

Holly Doremus | November 12, 2009

Brown Pelican Dis-Endangered

This posting is reprinted, by permission from Legal Planet. The Fish and Wildlife Service yesterday announced some very good news — the brown pelican will soon be removed from the list of endangered and threatened species. This enormous fish-eating bird has been protected since 1970, when it was included on the very first list of […]

Sidney A. Shapiro | November 12, 2009

Defective: Toyota Cars and Automobile Regulation

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently chastised the Toyota Motor Company for claiming that no defect existed in its cars, even while recalling 3.8 million of them. Toyota instituted the recall one month after a Lexus sedan suddenly accelerated out of control killing four people near San Diego. When Toyota blamed the problem on improperly […]

James Goodwin | November 11, 2009

Like Christmas Shopping Season, the Battle Over Rules at OIRA Begins Earlier and Earlier Every Year

When the Electric Power Research Institute (ERPI)—the research arm of the U.S. power industry—met with OIRA last month to discuss the various “beneficial uses” of spent coal ash from power plants, their timing was impeccable.  Or so it would seem.  On the day of the meeting, October 16, EPA submitted for OIRA review its pre-rule […]

Matthew Freeman | November 10, 2009

Pressing the Button

New in movie theaters this past weekend was a horror flick called, “The Box,” starring Cameron Diaz and James Marsden as a couple given a disturbing choice. They are presented with a mysterious box, equipped with a button. If they press the button, they’ll get $1 million, but someone they do not know will die. […]