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Toxicity, Trading and Watershed Restoration: Seeking a More Holistic Approach

The mysterious deaths of 13 bald eagles on Maryland's Eastern Shore last month captured headlines around the country. While a tragic story, it was also a reminder of just how far bald eagle populations and those of other birds of prey have recovered over the last several decades. From a population of fewer than 1,000 in 1963, almost as many bald eagles now soar in the skies over Maryland alone. The iconic bird's recovery is a case study in the value of regulating toxics in our environment.

The story of the bald eagle's decline and subsequent recovery highlights both our previous failure to understand the acute toxicity in the air and water of industrialized nations and the subsequent success of environmental regulation. In fact, the use of the pesticide DDT and its impact on one of our most cherished national symbols almost singled-handedly galvanized the environmental movement in this country. And while we now have a much more mature and comprehensive regulatory apparatus in the United States, few environmental lawyers, scientists, or other professionals are likely satisfied by the state of progress in reducing the pervasiveness of toxic chemicals today.

Here in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, the Bay restoration framework known as the Bay Total Maximum Daily Load, (TMDL) which has just exited the federal courts unscathed, requires the seven jurisdictions (six states and the District of Columbia) in the watershed to reduce nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) and sediment pollution. The high profile of the Bay TMDL, together with the frequent dead zones and algal blooms in the main stem and tributaries of the Chesapeake, have caused Bay and clean water advocates in the region to focus almost entirely on nutrient and sediment pollution and their sources. But many more watersheds in the United States are subject to TMDLs for chemicals like mercury and substances like metals than for nutrients, and a growing list of watersheds are impaired by acutely toxic pollutants like pesticides (including legacy DDTs), PCBs, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).

A great many of these toxic pollutants are the product of our urban landscape. That is, rather than being dumped or discharged by traditional point sources, the pollutants find their way to streams and other waters through atmospheric deposition, spills, or leaks, and are carried as runoff from impervious surfaces — roads, parking lots, really anything that's paved. The great expanses of concrete, asphalt, rooftops, and other urban surfaces are the conduit, though not the original source, of these pollutants, because unlike the soil beneath them, these surfaces do nothing to filter out the pollutants.

The good news is that the kinds of best management practices that reduce nutrient and sediment pollution are also highly effective at reducing the loading of toxic pollutants, and vice versa. In other words, the investments made by urban jurisdictions to comply with the Chesapeake Bay and other nutrient and sediment TMDLs, have many important "co-benefits" as far as reducing other pollutants and creating additional environmental benefits.

It is for this reason that policymakers in the Bay watershed, particularly those in areas with high levels of urbanization, need to very carefully review any policy that would shift the pollution reduction burdens from urban areas and the stormwater sector to rural areas and the agriculture sector. Doing so might reduce the dollar cost of meeting the Bay TMDL nutrient and sediment targets, but at the cost of sacrificing other important environmental benefits.

Nutrient trading, for example, seeks to reduce the overall cost of complying with a TMDL or other watershed restoration effort by allowing those with more expensive pollution reduction options to purchase nutrient or sediment reduction "credits" from those able to reduce pollution at lower cost. That might seem worthwhile on its face, but it ignores the true costs and benefits of a trading policy. Most nutrient trading policies fail to account for the co-benefits of urban best management practices. Such practices not only reduce nutrient and sediment to local waterways (as opposed to solely focusing on the Bay), but also reduce toxic pollutants and pathogens, and in some cases can also enhance local property values, reduce energy usage, moderate local temperature extremes, and allow for rainwater capture and recycling, among other benefits.

A nutrient trading policy that fails to properly incorporate all benefits and costs of each practice not only fails to protect local communities and optimize public investment decisions, but licenses and even subsidizes the continued pollution by toxic chemicals of waters in urban areas, which often have higher levels of poverty and numbers of vulnerable communities.

Nutrient trading is just one of many policies and decisions resulting from an overblown concern about the cost of achieving the Bay TMDL and other water quality goals. These cost estimates are usually digested by officials in a vacuum. Not only are these estimates discussed in the absence of any context – such as the cost per capita and on an annual basis, or how those costs compare to other budgetary items – but costs are considered without reference to benefits. Too little consideration is given to the direct and indirect economic benefits of clean water generally, and specific practices are often evaluated without any regard to their co-benefits, such as a concomitant reduction in human or wildlife exposure to toxic substances. Hospital bills are a cost, too, after all, and dead zones have a profound impact on the seafood and tourism industry.

The Bay TMDL, like all TMDLs, is a creature of the Clean Water Act, designed to protect the nation's waters from the many chemicals, pollutants, and other stressors that degrade those waters, through a comprehensive and holistic watershed approach. Any TMDL that accounts for costs but ignores benefits or that elevates the importance of one pollutant source over all others fails as an interpretation of the Clean Water Act or as a policy to protect human habitat and the environment.

Showing 2,817 results

Evan Isaacson | March 2, 2016

Toxicity, Trading and Watershed Restoration: Seeking a More Holistic Approach

The mysterious deaths of 13 bald eagles on Maryland's Eastern Shore last month captured headlines around the country. While a tragic story, it was also a reminder of just how far bald eagle populations and those of other birds of prey have recovered over the last several decades. From a population of fewer than 1,000 […]

James Goodwin | March 2, 2016

Senate Republicans Flip-Flop on the White House and Independent Agencies

Yesterday, the Republican members of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee (HSGAC)—the Senate committee with primary oversight jurisdiction over the regulatory system—published a report detailing their shock and dismay over a Wall Street Journal story alleging that the White House “may have inappropriately influenced” the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) so-called “net neutrality” rule. […]

Rena Steinzor | February 29, 2016

Steinzor Reacts to SCOTUS Chesapeake Bay Case

The Supreme Court today denied certiorari in a case challenging the watershed-wide effort led by the EPA to reduce pollution flowing into the Chesapeake Bay. The Court’s action leaves standing a lower court ruling upholding the effort. CPR Member Scholar Rena Steinzor, Professor of Law at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law, issued […]

Daniel Farber | February 25, 2016

Unleashing the Lower Courts

There’s already been a lot written about how Justice Scalia’s untimely death will affect pending cases, not to mention speculation about the possible nominees to replace him. Less attention has been given to the effect on the lower courts. Yet Justice Scalia’s departure gives liberal judges in lower courts more freedom than they’ve had in […]

Katie Tracy | February 24, 2016

More Delay for OSHA’s New Silica Rule

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has informally announced that it is unlikely to finalize its long-awaited rule to limit workers’ exposure to respirable crystalline silica by the month’s end, as the agency had expected. OSHA’s deputy assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety and health, Jordan Barab, told Politico on Friday, Feb. 18, […]

Evan Isaacson | February 23, 2016

Testimony: Maryland Needs Effective Manure Management Policies to Restore Watersheds

Legislative committees in both the Maryland House and Senate are holding hearings this week on the Poultry Litter Management Act, a bill that has been attracting a lot of attention in Maryland and beyond. I have been asked to testify as part of a panel featuring representatives of the United States Geological Survey and the Chesapeake […]

Robert Verchick | February 22, 2016

Justice Scalia and the American Eco-Kulturkampf

Justice Antonin Scalia’s Supreme Court chair sits empty, draped in black wool to honor a man whose intellect and fire-breathing keyboard helped reshape the nation’s political landscape. Depending on how things go, that chair could be empty for a while. Unlike more recent nominations to replace a Justice, a nomination from President Obama could reorient […]

Mollie Rosenzweig | February 19, 2016

What Are ‘Ag-Gag’ Law Proponents Trying to Hide?

At a time when consumers are demanding greater transparency in the food system – and some food companies are delivering by means of genetically modified organism labeling and removal of artificial food dyes — a troubling North Carolina law that runs counter to that goal has recently gone into effect. The state’s so-called “ag-gag” law […]

Evan Isaacson | February 18, 2016

Another Strong DOJ Settlement on Stormwater Pollution – Outside of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

On May 12, 2009, the federal government finally got serious about protecting the Chesapeake Bay. That’s when President Obama signed Executive Order 13508 on Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration, which declared that the federal government would put its shoulder into the multi-state effort to restore the Bay. Taking turns at a podium perched on a […]